dongxieting9623 2018-05-20 22:16
浏览 143

从Windows 10 XAMPP执行PHP CLI脚本时未定义$ argv

I'm attempting to execute a PHP script from the command line in Windows 10 while using XAMPP for localhost.

From the Git terminal application on Windows 10, I'm running the following command:

/c/xampp/php/php.exe /path/to/script/script.php arg1=val1

The script executes correctly, but when I try to do the following:


I get the following error:

PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: argv in /path/to/script/script.php on line line-#.

Also, php_sapi_name() returns cli, so I should be good, but both $argv and $argc return as undefined.

Does anyone know why? Thanks.

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  • dtz63853 2018-05-20 22:23

    As docs say, $argv and $argc are not defined unless this feature is explicitly enabled via php.ini's register_argc_argv, so check your config file first.

    But regardless of the check results, I'd rather recommend using $_SERVER['argv'] / $_SERVER['argc'] instead ($_SERVER is populated also in CLI), as this is not affected by register_argc_argv.

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