I'm wondering if it is possible to send an email from a localhost? I've tried something but it didn't worked and I thought maybe it wont work in a localhost. Here's the code:
// Send the email:
$message = " To activate your account, please click on this link:
$message .= WEBSITE_URL . '/activate.php?email=' . urlencode($Email) . "&key=$activation";
mail($Email, 'Registration Confirmation', $message, 'From: ismaakeel@gmail.com');
// Flush the buffered output.
// Finish the page:
echo '<div class="success">Thank you forregistering! A confirmation email has been sent to '.$Email.' Please click on the Activation Link to Activate your account </div>';
And here's the connection:
/*Define constant to connect to database */
DEFINE('DATABASE_HOST', 'localhost');
/*Default time zone ,to be able to send mail */
/*You might not need this */
ini_set('SMTP', "mail.myt.mu"); // Overide The Default Php.ini settings for sending mail
//This is the address that will appear coming from ( Sender )
define('EMAIL', 'ismaakeel@gmail.com');
/*Define the root url where the script will be found such as http://website.com or http://website.com/Folder/ */
DEFINE('WEBSITE_URL', 'http://localhost');
// Make the connection:
if (!$dbc) {
trigger_error('Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysqli_connect_error());
Is there anything wrong? Or missing?