I have a function that should be updating a row, no errors what so ever in the logs. From what I see it should be working. I took the function from a update user function and tried to mimic it for the new feature.
Here is the data array posting to it.
$data = array('id' => $vid, 'name' => $vname, 'logo' => $vlogo, 'info' => $vinfo, 'site' => $vsite, 'est' => $vest);
The post works, I am doing a dump on the updatecompany page. So they do get set. I think it may be with the function. Any insight would be wonderful!
public static function updateCompany($toUpdate = array(), $company = null){
if( is_array($toUpdate) && !isset($toUpdate['id']) ){
if($company == null){
echo "No company ID set!";
$columns = "";
foreach($toUpdate as $k => $v){
$columns .= "`$k` = :$k, ";
$sql = self::$dbh->prepare("UPDATE companys SET {$columns} WHERE `id` = :id");
$sql->bindValue(":id", $company);
foreach($toUpdate as $key => $value){
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
$sql->bindValue(":$key", $value);
return false;
$vid = $_POST["idnum"];
$vname = $_POST["name"];
$vlogo = $_POST["logo"];
$vinfo = $_POST["info"];
$vsite = $_POST["site"];
$vest = $_POST["est"];