This question is more complex than we think.
I need to call a function in javascript from php if some condition is met.
The php code and the javascript function are in the same file.
I don't need to generate code of java script function because it is not effective to be done in a function with parameters and I also need to make changes to the contents of the function.
How do I call CreateSVG();
line 58 in the php code?
many thanks.
My full file looks like below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="frame_shape">
<div id="main">
<h2>OOP Class Demo using PHP</h2>
<h2>Drawing shape usinig user parameteres.</h2>
Please enter two numbers to calculate the area of rectangle or tringle and press submit...
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<br>width<input type=text name='width'>
<br>height<input type=text name='height'>
<h2>select shape</h2>
<input type="radio" name="shape" value="Rectangle" /> Rectangle
<br><input type="radio" name="shape" value="Tringle" /> Tringle
<br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form"><br>
<div id="retangle">
<div id="svgContainer"></div>
<div id="Tringle"></div>
<div id="contener">
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (!empty($_POST['shape'])) {
if ($_POST['shape'] === 'Rectangle') {
// create object of rectangle and calculate it is area
$rect = new Rectangle ($_POST['width'], $_POST['height']);
echo 'rectangle of this size would have the area of ', $rect->GetArea(), "<br />";
//echo '<script type="text/javascript">', 'CreateSVG();', '</script>';
echo '<script>CreateSVG();</script>';
else if ($_POST['shape'] === 'Tringle'){
// create object of tringle and calculate it is area by extends
$tri = new Triangle ($_POST['width'], $_POST['height']);
echo 'triangle of this sizes would have the area of ', $tri->GetArea();
$(document).ready(function() {
function CreateSVG(){
var xmlns = "";
var boxWidth = <?php echo $_POST['width'];?>;
var boxHeight = <?php echo $_POST['height'];?>;
alert(boxWidth + ' ' + boxHeight);
var svgElem = document.createElementNS (xmlns, "svg");
svgElem.setAttributeNS (null, "viewBox", "0 0 " + boxWidth + " " + boxHeight);
svgElem.setAttributeNS (null, "width", boxWidth);
svgElem.setAttributeNS (null, "height", boxHeight); = "block";
var g = document.createElementNS (xmlns, "g");
svgElem.appendChild (g);
g.setAttributeNS (null, 'transform', 'matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,300)');
// draw linear gradient
var defs = document.createElementNS (xmlns, "defs");
var grad = document.createElementNS (xmlns, "linearGradient");
grad.setAttributeNS (null, "id", "gradient");
grad.setAttributeNS (null, "x1", "0%");
grad.setAttributeNS (null, "x2", "0%");
grad.setAttributeNS (null, "y1", "100%");
grad.setAttributeNS (null, "y2", "0%");
var stopTop = document.createElementNS (xmlns, "stop");
stopTop.setAttributeNS (null, "offset", "0%");
stopTop.setAttributeNS (null, "stop-color", "#ff0000");
grad.appendChild (stopTop);
var stopBottom = document.createElementNS (xmlns, "stop");
stopBottom.setAttributeNS (null, "offset", "100%");
stopBottom.setAttributeNS (null, "stop-color", "#0000ff");
grad.appendChild (stopBottom);
defs.appendChild (grad);
g.appendChild (defs);
// draw borders
var coords = "M 0, 0";
coords += " l 0, 300";
coords += " l 300, 0";
coords += " l 0, -300";
coords += " l -300, 0";
var path = document.createElementNS (xmlns, "path");
path.setAttributeNS (null, 'stroke', "#000000");
path.setAttributeNS (null, 'stroke-width', 10);
path.setAttributeNS (null, 'stroke-linejoin', "round");
path.setAttributeNS (null, 'd', coords);
path.setAttributeNS (null, 'fill', "url(#gradient)");
path.setAttributeNS (null, 'opacity', 1.0);
g.appendChild (path);
var svgContainer = document.getElementById ("svgContainer");
svgContainer.appendChild (svgElem);