dsm0688 2014-10-16 01:31
浏览 29


I am using StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql method of apaches lang library in my android app. I send http post requests to server to execute my SQL queries. While I am inserting the values there is no problem; I can insert the strings in escaped format.

But I can't retrieve the data from the database back to my android app. The strings that don't need to be escaped in the first place, I can retrieve with no problem. What should I do to retrieve the strings from database that I escaped before?

Here is part of my code:


case "authenticateUser":

    if ($userId = authenticateUser($db, $username, $password)) 

        $sql = "select u.Id, u.username, (NOW()-u.authenticationTime) as authenticateTimeDifference, u.IP, 
                                    f.providerId, f.requestId, f.status, u.port 
                        from friends f
                        left join users u on 
                                    u.Id = if ( f.providerId = ".$userId.", f.requestId, f.providerId ) 
                        where (f.providerId = ".$userId." and f.status=".USER_APPROVED.")  or 
                                     f.requestId = ".$userId." ";

        $sqlmessage = "SELECT m.id, m.fromuid, m.touid, m.sentdt, m.read, m.readdt, m.messagetext, u.username from messages m 
. "left join users u on u.Id = m.fromuid WHERE `touid` = ".$userId." AND `read` = 0 LIMIT 0, 30 ";

        if ($result = $db->query($sql))         
                $out .= "<data>"; 
                $out .= "<user userKey='".$userId."' />";
                while ($row = $db->fetchObject($result))
                    $status = "offline";
                    if (((int)$row->status) == USER_UNAPPROVED)
                        $status = "unApproved";
                    else if (((int)$row->authenticateTimeDifference) < TIME_INTERVAL_FOR_USER_STATUS)
                        $status = "online";

                    $out .= "<friend  username = '".$row->username."'  status='".$status."' IP='".$row->IP."' userKey = '".$row->Id."'  port='".$row->port."'/>";

                    if ($resultmessage = $db->query($sqlmessage))           
                        while ($rowmessage = $db->fetchObject($resultmessage))

                            $out .= "<message  from='".$rowmessage->username."'  sendt='".$rowmessage->sentdt."' text='".$rowmessage->messagetext."' />";
                            $sqlendmsg = "UPDATE `messages` SET `read` = 1, `readdt` = '".DATE("Y-m-d H:i")."' WHERE `messages`.`id` = ".$rowmessage->id.";";
                $out .= "</data>";
            $out = FAILED;
            // exit application if not authenticated user
            $out = FAILED;


case "sendMessage":
if ($userId = authenticateUser($db, $username, $password)) 
    if (isset($_REQUEST['to']))
         $tousername = $_REQUEST['to']; 
         $message = $_REQUEST['message'];   

         $sqlto = "select Id from  users where username = '".$tousername."' limit 1";

                if ($resultto = $db->query($sqlto))         
                    while ($rowto = $db->fetchObject($resultto))
                        $uto = $rowto->Id;
                    $sql22 = "INSERT INTO `messages` (`fromuid`, `touid`, `sentdt`, `messagetext`) VALUES ('".$userId."', '".$uto."', '".DATE("Y-m-d H:i")."', '".$message."');";                       

                            error_log("$sql22", 3 , "error_log");
                        if ($db->query($sql22)) 
                                $out = SUCCESSFUL;
                        else {
                                $out = FAILED;
                    $resultto = NULL;

    $sqlto = NULL;
        $out = FAILED;


public String sendMessage(String  username, String  tousername, String message) throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
    String params = "username="+ URLEncoder.encode(this.username,"UTF-8") +
                        "&password="+ URLEncoder.encode(this.password,"UTF-8") +
                        "&to=" + URLEncoder.encode(tousername,"UTF-8") +
                        "&message="+ URLEncoder.encode(message,"UTF-8") +
                        "&action="  + URLEncoder.encode("sendMessage","UTF-8")+
    Log.i("PARAMS", params);
    return socketOperator.sendHttpRequest(params);      
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