Update: This is the result I get after query execution:
NewiTem9,desc,video9.swf,9,0,0,1,0,550,500,item9.jpg,0,swf,prev,0,00,0,2013-04-29 03:23:43,1,0,0,0,newitem9,0
For the HTML I have the following checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" name="starter" value="1" id="starter0">
When inserting this into mysql with other elements (with other elements i don't have any problem, they are inserted without a problem and then displaying properly)
INSERT INTO datatab (
name, description, url, category_id, category_parent, width, height,
image, activado, filetype, instructions, date_added, show_ads, rmode,
power_id, starter, seo_url, submitter
'".escape($_POST['name'])."', '".escape($_POST['description'])."',
'$url', $_POST[category], $category[parent_id], '$_POST[width]',
'$_POST[height]', '$img', $_POST[activado], '$ext',
'".escape($_POST['instructions'])."', '$date', $_POST[show_ads],
$_POST[rmode], '$_POST[power_id]', '$_POST[starter]', '$seo_url',
") or die ('There was a MySql error when adding the game: '.mysql_error());
Then the data is added but without the mentioned checkbox value.
Database table settings:
Name: starter
Type: TinyINT
Lenght/Values: 1
default: As defined : 0
I don't know why the data of the checkbox is not inserted when all other data are inserted and working?
Could someone help me with this?