duande1985 2019-02-13 10:06
浏览 193


I want to insert multiple data into table in single column with same primary key when form is submitting using php sql.

Here is the filled form -

form with data

I want to insert into table using php & sql (ajax if need) like this below link-

[table with data i hope

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  • dsyo9700 2019-02-13 10:48

    I had same isssue while making API for PHP.

    Try this , declare your Item name , quanity and date as TEXT and insert nested JSON in those fields.


    //while adding to DB json will look like
    "[{ABC},{PQR},{XYZ}]","[{23},{56},{14}]","[{23/05/1900 12:00 GMT},{23/05/1908 12:00 GMT},{23/05/1980 12:00 GMT}]"


    "[{ABC},{PQR},{XYZ}]" go to item_name column,

    "[{23},{56},{14}]" goes to quantity column,

    "[{23/05/1900 12:00 GMT},{23/05/1908 12:00 GMT},{23/05/1980 12:00 GMT}]" goes to date column

    as simple string or text. Here's below is my HTML Code for Table (Ignore style ☺)

        <td>23/05/1900 12:00 GMT</td>
        <td>23/05/1908 12:00 GMT</td>
        <td>23/05/1980 12:00 GMT</td>

    So while adding to Database you need first push data to object then Stringyfy it and then send to database. And while fetching from database and displaying again to UI , you need to Parse those strings back to Objects then you can apply looping like it is an Nested object.

    Happy Codeing ☻

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