douling8087 2015-06-11 10:11
浏览 45

Symfony Doctrine findBy然后映射

Basically I want to execute this mysql query with doctrine:

select distinct user_id from work_hour where project_id = ?;

But I don't know how I can do this with pretty Doctrine code. Is it possible to make it look like the following pseudo code or do I have to use the query builder?:

$project = new Project();
$entities = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:WorkHour')

Where $entities is an array of User objects

WorkHour and Project have a ManyToOne relation

WorkHour and User have a ManyToOne relation

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  • douxu2467 2015-06-11 10:57

    You'll need to use a QueryBuilder for that, but that would still be quite a "pretty Doctrine code" and would still look quite like your pseudo-code.
    Something like this should work:

    $queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
    $query = queryBuilder
            ->from('AppBundle:User', 'u')
            ->join('AppBundle:WorkHour', 'wh')
            ->where('u.workHour = wh')
            ->andWhere('wh.project = :project')
    $query->setParameter(':project', $project);
    $entities = $query->getResult();
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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