I'm having a bit of trouble styling my database query results because, for some reason, the HTML elements I'm echoing are being stripped out completely when I view the page online. The tags ( and , etc) aren't commented, just completely gone when viewing the source of the page.
The idea of this script is for it to get the voting results of players. Using the current script, the data all shows up, so there isn't a connection issue. Here's the php I've got currently:
$user_name = "TAKEN OUT";
$password = "TAKEN OUT";
$database = "TAKEN OUT";
$server = "TAKEN OUT";
$db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password);
$db_found = mysql_select_db($database, $db_handle);
if ($db_found) {
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM votesql ORDER BY votes DESC";
$result = mysql_query($SQL);
$value = 1;
while ($db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo "<tr id=\"voterank\">" . $value . "</div>";
echo "<td id=\"vote-place\">" . $value . "</td>";
echo "<td id=\"vote-playername\">" . $db_field['playername'] . "</td>";
echo "<td id=\"vote-count\">" . $db_field['votes'] . "</td>";
$value = $value + 1;
echo ("</tr>");
else {
print ("Database NOT Found ");
This results in a page displaying information very similar to this:
When I view the source of the page, it is shown as a simple block of text with no elements. I've been stuck on this for the past 3 hours (not even exaggerating) trying to find how I can echo this out, but with no luck. I've also tested this on two different hosting environments, one on my machine via EasyPHP, and the other via a site that I own.
Any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated!