I have a multidimensional array for $this->data
[icon] => http://localhost/uploads/icon.png
[logo] => http://localhost/uploads/logo.svg
[seo] => Array
[canonical] => http://localhost/profile/register/
[title] => Register
How do I change the above to
[icon] => http://localhost/uploads/icon.png
[logo] => http://localhost/uploads/logo.svg
[canonical] => http://localhost/profile/register/
[title] => Register
And what happens if I have another [icon]
(a duplicate) under the [seo]
will the first [icon]
gets replace or ignore or how when I change it like above? The reason I need to convert it into single array because when I send the data for parsing, I can't get the {canonical}
and {title}
to work.
from Profile_Controller.php
will replace $this->data
from MY_Controller.php
so right now, I'm doing a workaround like putting those seo data into another array and use array_merge
but I think there's another better way around it...