I have implemented the abstract class from Database testing with Zend Framework and PHPUnit which implements Zend_Test_PHPUnit_DatabaseTestCase
, however I am having issues with the way my database abstraction layer uses the Zend_Db_Adapter
and how the unit test uses its own database connection, createZendDbConnection
The code in question is:
public function testSaveInsert()
$hostModel = new MyLibrary_Model_Host();
$hostModel->setName('PHPUnit - Host Test 1')
->setDescription('Host Test Description 1');
$databaseAPI = new MyLibrary_DatabaseAPI();
$hosts = $databaseAPI->getHosts();
// get data from the testing database
$dataSet = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet($this->getConnection());
$dataSet->addTable('HOST', "SELECT host.NAME
FROM HOST_TABLE host WHERE name like 'PHPUnit -%'");
// verify expected vs actual
$this->assertDataSetsMatchXML('hostInsertIntoAssertion.xml', $dataSet);
The MyLibrary_DatabaseAPI()
class has a constructor
$hostDb = Zend_Registry::get('config')->dbConnectionIds->hostDb;
$this->appDb = Zend_Registry::get($hostDb);
The addHost
method takes the host model attributes and converts them to parameters to be passed into the package function, using the database connection set in the registry. I have a flag in the method call to commit (business requirements determine this), so I can chose when to do this.
At the time of Zend_Debug::dumping
the results the host has been added to the database table, however when I run the assertDataSetsMatchXML
test it is not picking up a host was added and is failing.
I suspect is the issue is when I instantiate Zend_Test_PHPUnit
) it uses createZendDbConnection
which creates a new database session which isn't aware of the previous one and because I haven't 'committed' the addHost
it isn't aware of it?
If I run the method call and commit the record it is added to the host table and the test passes, but I cannot rollback the results using the createZendDbConnection
so the record remains in the table, which i dont want. Essentially I want a silent test, come in, test and leave no footprint.
Any ideas on how I can resolve this issue? The basis behind testing this way is the database has an api to tables so i don't directly CRUD in the database. The PHP database API class reflects the calls I can make to the database API so I want to test each of these methods.