I have been developing a wrapper class inside a small PHP framework and I am experiencing something weird with one of the method in my class.
First here is the class code :
namespace Framework;
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
class cConnexion
public $m_log;//This will be instantiate as a cLog object (another class in the namespace)
private $m_DB;//PDO instance
private $m_Host;//Host of the conneciton string
private $m_DBName;//Name of the DB to connecte to
private $m_Driver;//Driver name, mysql for MySQL, sqlsrv for MSSQL
private $m_Login;//Username for authentification
private $m_Password;//Password for authentification
public function __construct($p_Driver = "mysql", $p_host, $p_DBName, $p_login, $p_password)
$this->m_Host= $p_host;
$this->m_Driver = $p_Driver;
$this->m_DBName = $p_DBName;
$this->m_Login = $p_login;
$this->m_Password = $p_password;
$this->m_log = new cLog('', '', true, false, false);
public function SecureExecute($p_query, $p_param)
$stmt = $this->m_DB->prepare($p_query);
$status = $stmt->execute($p_param);
$this->m_log->setMessageFR("Aucune exception ne s'est levé. ");
$this->m_log->setMessageEN("No exceptions were raised. ");
return $status;
catch(\PDOException $e)
$this->m_log->setMessageFR("Une exception de type PDO est levé. ".$e->getMessage());
$this->m_log->setMessageEN("A PDO exception was raised. ".$e->getMessage());
return false;
Note that I have remove every other method that are not relevant to the question but kept the constructor and all the properties. Also note that there is a method to connect the $m_DB property to the DB, you might want to assume it has already been called.
Here is the problem I need help solving: Step by Step description of what is going on:
- I create an instance of cConnexion and use the connecteToDB method that isn't described in here but it is working properly because I can use another method to do MySQL 'SELECT' statement.
- I tried to UPDATE a row which doesn't exist in a MySQL table but the object still tell me that the UPDATE was successful.
Is that normal? I read the PDO::PDOStatement::execute Doc and is says that the return value of PDO::PDOStatement::execute is either true (on success) or false(if fails).
Here is an exemple of code using the method:
$sql = "UPDATE Employes SET CieNo = 3, Nom = :Name, Dept = :Department WHERE EmplCode = :Code";
$params = array
'Code'=>$EmplCode,// = 123
'Name'=>($lname." ".$fname),// = Lalonde Sebastien
'Department'=>$dep,// = INFO
$cn = new cConnexion(/*Connection string and params here*/);
if($cn->SecureExecute($sql, $params))
echo "SQL1: true";
The following code always output "SQL1: true" even when the UPDATE shouldn't had work...(because the Employes table doesn't contains an EmplCode = 123). Can someone suggest a way to change my class so that the method SecureExecute() return false when this happen?