dongzhugao9929 2016-07-23 18:53 采纳率: 0%
浏览 15


PHP Version: 7.0

Script is sent data from a different website.

For some reason, the data is not being inserted into the database like it should be, and I don't think I have any SQL errors (this is done with PDO).

Here is the included functions code:

function escape($string){
    return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

Script Code:

    <title>Data from Roblox</title>
    <h3>Data from Roblox</h3>
    include '../includes/connection.php';
    include '../scripts/functions.php'; //Remove if unknown error as well as the escapes
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    $array = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'),1);
    $SenderName = escape($array['SenderName']);
    $SenderID = escape($array['SenderID']);
    $PlayerName = escape($array['PlayerName']);
    $PlayerID = escape($array['PlayerID']);
    $Reason = escape($array['Reason']);
    $PlaceLink = escape($array['PlaceLink']);
    if(!$Reason){ $Reason = "Reason not provided."; }

    if($SenderName !=NULL and $SenderID != NULL and $PlayerName != NULL and $PlayerID !=NULL and $PlaceLink !=NULL){
        $query = $handler->prepare("INSERT INTO PlayerBans (`ID`, `Username`,`Reason`, `BannedDate`, `BannedBy`, `BannedAt`) VALUES (:pid, :pname, :reason, NOW(), :sname, :pl)");
        $query->bindParam(':pid', $PlayerID);
        $query->bindParam(':pname', $PlayerName);
        $query->bindParam(':reason', $Reason);
        $sender = $SenderName . " - " . $SenderID;
        $query->bindParam(':sname', $sender);
        $query->bindParam(':pl', $PlaceLink);


When go to the script URL in my web browser, the HTML shows up, and no errors.


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  • doushan5245 2016-08-02 16:30

    Your problem is almost certainly with the request coming in, but here are a few issues you could address with your code.

    • htmlspecialchars() is not for inserting into a database. It's used when you want to display something as HTML.
    • none of those values you're checking will ever be null, because you're running them through htmlspecialchars() which returns a string.
    • there's no need to use PDOStatement::bindParam() unless you need to do something special with data types. Just pass an array to PDOStatement::execute() instead.
    • it sounds like you're not recording any error messages. If you aren't using this page interactively, you need to have some way to know if there's a problem.

    With that in mind, I'd recommend trying this:

    ini_set("display_errors", true);
    ini_set("error_log", "/var/log/php.log");
    $json       = file_get_contents("php://input");
    $array      = json_decode($json, true);
    $SenderName = $array['SenderName'] ?? null;
    $SenderID   = $array['SenderID'] ?? null;
    $PlayerName = $array['PlayerName'] ?? null;
    $PlayerID   = $array['PlayerID'] ?? null;
    $Reason     = $array['Reason'] ?? "Reason not provided";
    $PlaceLink  = $array['PlaceLink'] ?? null;
    if($SenderName !== null && $SenderID !== null && $PlayerName !== null && $PlayerID !== null && $PlaceLink !== null) {
        // prepare using ? for a shorter query; don't mix placeholders with other values
        $query = $handler->prepare("INSERT INTO PlayerBans (`ID`, `Username`,`Reason`, `BannedBy`, `BannedAt`, `BannedDate`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,NOW())");
        // double quotes interpolate variables!
        $sender = "$SenderName - $SenderID";
        // pass the values directly to execute
        $result = $query->execute([$PlayerID, $PlayerName, $Reason, $sender, $PlaceLink]);
        // check the result of this call and log some details if there's a problem
        if (!$result) {
            $e = $query->errorInfo();
            error_log("SQL Error $e[0]: $e[2] ($e[1]) while inserting data: $json");

    You'll want to make sure that you create the log file ahead of time, with the correct permissions for your web server to be able to write to it. On a Linux platform this might look like sudo touch /var/log/php && sudo chown www-data /var/log/php

    Also I'm assuming you're using a current version of PHP that supports the null coalesce operator; you'll need to replace $foo = $bar ?? null with $foo = isset($bar) ? $bar : null if that's not the case.

    One more point, if each user on your system has an entry in a user table, you should really have UserID and SenderID columns in the PlayerBans table that are foreign keys back to your users table. If you're querying this column regularly it makes a whole lot more sense than having an unstructured text column.


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