dpge74512 2011-11-17 08:53
浏览 35


I'm using ammap to display a map. On click, the user gets a list of latest Drupal 6 nodes tagged with the respective country (taxonomy). The list is generated by a view. To accomplish that, I use the basic ammap XML code, but I added some PHP to include the view, i.e.:

//set the working directory
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());

//Load Drupal
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';

header ("Content-Type:text/xml");


<map map_file="maps/world3.swf" tl_long="-117.2" tl_lat="33.3" br_long="-94.5" br_lat="-33.9" zoom="299.9999%" zoom_x="-30.94%" zoom_y="-156.8%">
      <!-- ... -->
      <area title="ARGENTINE" mc_name="AR">
        <description><![CDATA[<?php print views_embed_view('MY_VIEW', 'VIEW_DISPLAY_ID', 'ARGUMENT'); ?>]]></description>
      <!-- ... -->

Now, since there are many tags that include a view, generating the XML file takes some moments which leads to long loading times for the map. For that reason I would like to cache the generated XML file somehow - taking into account that I need to add a path to it in the ammap configuration file.

How could I do that?

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  • dongxu4023 2011-11-18 15:47

    The best way to do, it is to write a small module.

    Here's the shortest:

     * Implement hook_menu()
     * to define path for our xml file.
    function mymodule_menu() {
        $items = array();
        $items['map.xml'] = array(
            'title' => 'Map xml',
            'page callback' => 'map_get_xml',
            'access arguments' => TRUE,
            'type' => MENU_CALLBACK
        return $items;
     * Your custom function for xml file.
    function map_get_xml() {
        $cache = cache_get('your-cache-id');
        $xml = $cache->data;
        if (!$xml) {
            $xml = ... // perform your code to generate your XML
            cache_set('your-cache-id', $xml);
        print $xml;
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