I have an input form with two values as a key, constructed this way:
<input name="verificarPago['.$x['pagoID'].'-'.$x['userID'].']" type="text">
So, the HTML would look like, for example, like this:
<input name="verificarPago[4-10]" type="text">
Besides that I have the value that the user can type, for example "Juan".
The inputs are created programmatically, and I want to save them each three values (in the example: 4, 10, Juan) into a database.
So, when the user submits the form, I thought on using foreach
in order to access the elements in that array, but my problem is: How may I explode the keys to access the two values separately?
I've tried this (I'm not taking into account security now, I'm trying to prove the concept):
$verificar = $_POST['verificarPago'];
foreach ($verificar as $pago => $curso) {
//I'm pretty much stuck here.
$verificar= array_flip(explode("-", $verificar));
//I want to insert the three items into the database
$verificarPago = "INSERT pagosVerificados SET userID = '$usuario', pagoID = '$pago', cursoID = '$curso'";
$cargarPago = mysqli_query($conectar, $verificarPago);
I've tried adding to the form another input type, so the values wouldn't be together, but that way I should do a foreach inside a foreach and that renders duplicated results (and with errors as well).