Consider I have this array:
$array = array(
[other words]
[other words]
I need to find the minimum distance between 2 given words. (let 'word1' and 'word2' be these 2 words)
In this case the minium distance between word1
and word2
is 1 because in the second group of words they are separated by only 'dfg'.
I wrote a simple code but it's too expsensive and I am looking for a faster version.
function minDistance( $words, $word1, $word2 ) {
foreach( $words as $k=>$v)
if ( $v == $words1 )
$positionsOfFirstWord[] = $k;
if ( $v == $words2 )
$positionsOfSecondWord[] = $k;
//> If word1 or word2 was not found in the array then
//> return max distance possibile (count($words))
//> Now we have 2 array containg the position of both word we need.
foreach( $positionsOfFirstWord as $v )
foreach( $positionsOfSecondWord as $vv )
$distance = abs($vv-$v);
Note the order of words in $array isn't important (that's why there is abs())
Do you think there could be a better version?
Please note the function must return 1 in this case too:
[other words]
[other words]