Assums table mysql from wordpress like this:
post_id | meta_key | meta_value
19 | poster_url |
19 | vote_average | 7.5
i've tried using
SELECT * FROM (Select ID,post_date,post_date_gmt,post_content,post_title,post_status,post_name,post_type,meta_key,meta_value as picture from get_movies where meta_key='poster_url' and post_status='publish' and post_type='post') as a,
(Select meta_value as rate from get_movies where meta_key='vote_average' and post_status='publish' and post_type='post') as b
but result has duplicated and miss for 'rate' .. in this case , i just need for make alias each other.. like poster_url = picture, and vote_average = rate
it's possible?