duanjie5570 2016-04-04 17:39
浏览 29


I had trouble finding a list of what packages may be imported in the go playground at http://play.golang.org/. I was trying to use the (apparently experimental) package for ebnf. However even a short program won't import from golang.org (breaks on the import on line 4):

package main

import "fmt"
import "golang.org/x/exp/ebnf"

const g = `
Production  = name "=" [ Expression ] "." .
Expression  = Alternative { "|" Alternative } .
Alternative = Term { Term } .
Term        = name | token [ "…" token ] | Group | Option | Repetition .
Group       = "(" Expression ")" .
Option      = "[" Expression "]" .
Repetition  = "{" Expression "}" .`

func main() {

Is it stated anywhere that only base packages in golang.org/src/ would import (if that's the case)?

I'd really like to play with this experimental package and even non-experimental supplemental libraries like currency in the playground.

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  • douzaipou3327 2016-04-04 18:35

    The <kbd>About</kbd> button on the Playground gives some hint:

    The playground can use most of the standard library, with some exceptions.

    By the standard library the packages of the standard library are meant, which are listed on the Packages page, under the Standard library section. Packages listed under the Other section do not qualify (which is what you have tried - package golang.org/x/exp/ebnf falls under the experimental and deprecated packages listed under the Other category).

    A must-read link if you want to know more about the Playground implementation:

    The Go Blog: Inside the Go Playground

    Here is an exhaustive playground test to import all the standard library packages to show they at least can be imported, but that doesn't mean everything (or even anything) can be reasonably used from them. The only package from the standard library that gives a compile error is runtime/cgo; "packages" without a buildable Go source file are not included for obvious reasons (because a folder is not a package if it does not contain at least one buildable Go source file).

    Here's the Playground Link to try it yourself.

    package main
    import (
        _ "archive/tar"
        _ "archive/zip"
        _ "bufio"
        _ "bytes"
        _ "compress/bzip2"
        _ "compress/flate"
        _ "compress/gzip"
        _ "compress/lzw"
        _ "compress/zlib"
        _ "container/heap"
        _ "container/list"
        _ "container/ring"
        _ "crypto"
        _ "crypto/aes"
        _ "crypto/cipher"
        _ "crypto/des"
        _ "crypto/dsa"
        _ "crypto/ecdsa"
        _ "crypto/elliptic"
        _ "crypto/hmac"
        _ "crypto/md5"
        _ "crypto/rand"
        _ "crypto/rc4"
        _ "crypto/rsa"
        _ "crypto/sha1"
        _ "crypto/sha256"
        _ "crypto/sha512"
        _ "crypto/subtle"
        _ "crypto/tls"
        _ "crypto/x509"
        _ "crypto/x509/pkix"
        _ "database/sql"
        _ "database/sql/driver"
        _ "debug/dwarf"
        _ "debug/elf"
        _ "debug/gosym"
        _ "debug/macho"
        _ "debug/pe"
        _ "debug/plan9obj"
        _ "encoding"
        _ "encoding/ascii85"
        _ "encoding/asn1"
        _ "encoding/base32"
        _ "encoding/base64"
        _ "encoding/binary"
        _ "encoding/csv"
        _ "encoding/gob"
        _ "encoding/hex"
        _ "encoding/json"
        _ "encoding/pem"
        _ "encoding/xml"
        _ "errors"
        _ "expvar"
        _ "flag"
        _ "fmt"
        _ "go/ast"
        _ "go/build"
        _ "go/constant"
        _ "go/doc"
        _ "go/format"
        _ "go/importer"
        _ "go/parser"
        _ "go/printer"
        _ "go/scanner"
        _ "go/token"
        _ "go/types"
        _ "hash"
        _ "hash/adler32"
        _ "hash/crc32"
        _ "hash/crc64"
        _ "hash/fnv"
        _ "html"
        _ "html/template"
        _ "image"
        _ "image/color"
        _ "image/color/palette"
        _ "image/draw"
        _ "image/gif"
        _ "image/jpeg"
        _ "image/png"
        _ "index/suffixarray"
        _ "io"
        _ "io/ioutil"
        _ "log"
        _ "log/syslog"
        _ "math"
        _ "math/big"
        _ "math/cmplx"
        _ "math/rand"
        _ "mime"
        _ "mime/multipart"
        _ "mime/quotedprintable"
        _ "net"
        _ "net/http"
        _ "net/http/cgi"
        _ "net/http/cookiejar"
        _ "net/http/fcgi"
        _ "net/http/httptest"
        _ "net/http/httputil"
        _ "net/http/pprof"
        _ "net/mail"
        _ "net/rpc"
        _ "net/rpc/jsonrpc"
        _ "net/smtp"
        _ "net/textproto"
        _ "net/url"
        _ "os"
        _ "os/exec"
        _ "os/signal"
        _ "os/user"
        _ "path"
        _ "path/filepath"
        _ "reflect"
        _ "regexp"
        _ "regexp/syntax"
        _ "runtime"
        // _ "runtime/cgo"  // ERROR: missing Go type information
                            // for global symbol: .dynsym size 60
        _ "runtime/debug"
        _ "runtime/pprof"
        _ "runtime/race"
        _ "runtime/trace"
        _ "sort"
        _ "strconv"
        _ "strings"
        _ "sync"
        _ "sync/atomic"
        _ "syscall"
        _ "testing"
        _ "testing/iotest"
        _ "testing/quick"
        _ "text/scanner"
        _ "text/tabwriter"
        _ "text/template"
        _ "text/template/parse"
        _ "time"
        _ "unicode"
        _ "unicode/utf16"
        _ "unicode/utf8"
        _ "unsafe"
    func main() {
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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