dplo59755 2019-06-17 17:59
浏览 72


I'd like to replace retool with go modules tools.go "tools as dependencies". However I'm struggling to understand how this works when my developers and CI env all use different operating systems.

I want to make sure each environment uses the exact same version of tools.

For a concrete example, my app requires the protoc compiler to generate go code via github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go. I have 3 OS, all needing to execute protoc with the protoc-gen-go plugin/generator:

  1. Ryan: uses MacOS
  2. Joe: Linux (Ubuntu)
  3. CI: Linux (CentOS)

I currently use retool to make sure ALL environments are locked in on the same version of tools (protoc-gen-go in this ex):

retool do build/bin/protoc -Ibuild/protoc/include -I. rpc/platform/platform.proto --go_out=.

My new go modules / "tools as dependencies" setup


// +build tools

package tools

import (
    _ "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go"

Set the path that go install will use:

export GOBIN=$PWD/bin


go install github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go

If Ryan runs the go install .. a bin/protoc-gen-go MacOS executable is created.


  1. At this point, why isprotoc-gen-go tool version (or git hash) NOT listed in go.mod?
  2. When Joe clones the app repo, how does he get and compile the same version of protoc-gen-go that Ryan used?
  3. How does protoc know to use the protoc-gen-go executable generator in my ./bin dir?
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  • douhulao7642 2019-06-18 01:14

    I was able to accomplish vendored tools build for protoc (and plugins like Twirp) following the Go Modules tools guidelines, plus a little Makefile-Fu for the protoc binary.

    A complete working example can be found in the Aspiration Labs pyggpot repo. Following are the essential details. Worth noting: getting the import path right for some of the tools was very fiddly, but ultimately, successful.

    For protoc itself, I vendor the binary release in the Makefile and set it up into a tools/bin dir:

    TOOLS_DIR := ./tools
    TOOLS_BIN := $(TOOLS_DIR)/bin
    # protoc
    PROTOC_VERSION := 3.7.1
    PROTOC_PLATFORM := osx-x86_64
    PROTOC_RELEASES_PATH := https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download
    PROTOC := $(TOOLS_BIN)/protoc
    # protoc
        unzip -o -d "$(TOOLS_DIR)" $< && touch $@  # avoid Prerequisite is newer than target `tools/bin/protoc'.
        curl --location $(PROTOC_DOWNLOAD) --output $@

    The PROTOC_PLATFORM string can be automated with something like OS detecting makefile. The version of that we use is at https://github.com/aspiration-labs/pyggpot/blob/master/build/makefiles/osvars.mk.

    On to building the go tools. Create a tools.go something like

    // +build tools
    package tools
    import (
        // protocol buffer compiler plugins
        _ "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go"
        _ "github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp"
        _ "github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp_python"
        _ "github.com/thechriswalker/protoc-gen-twirp_js"

    Note: the // +build tools tag will keep go build from over-building tools imports in your final build.

    Finally, some make code to build your go tools:

    # go installed tools.go
    GO_TOOLS := github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go \
                github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp \
                github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp_python \
                github.com/thechriswalker/protoc-gen-twirp_js \
    # tools
    GO_TOOLS_BIN := $(addprefix $(TOOLS_BIN), $(notdir $(GO_TOOLS)))
    GO_TOOLS_VENDOR := $(addprefix vendor/, $(GO_TOOLS))
    setup_tools: $(GO_TOOLS_BIN)
        GOBIN="$(PWD)/$(TOOLS_BIN)" go install -mod=vendor $(GO_TOOLS)

    And finally, a make setup target to run go mod vendor and process the targets above.

    setup: setup_vendor $(TOOLS_DIR) $(PROTOC) setup_tools
    # vendor
        go mod vendor
        mkdir -v -p $@
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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