dppxp79175 2016-02-04 20:50
浏览 56


I am a experienced python programmer but I am still new to Golang so my apologies if this is an obvious or silly question. But I am trying to create my own type that I want to act exactly like the base type with the exception of several methods being overridden. The reason for this is because several libraries I am using are checking the type against time.Time and I want it to match.

type PythonTime struct {

var pythonTimeFormatStr = "2006-01-02 15:04:05-0700"

func (self *PythonTime) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
    // removes prepending/trailing " in the string
    if b[0] == '"' && b[len(b)-1] == '"' {
        b = b[1 : len(b)-1]
    self.Time, err = time.Parse(pythonTimeFormatStr, string(b))

func (self *PythonTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte(self.Time.Format(pythonTimeFormatStr)), nil

type OtherType struct {
    Uuid     string     `json:"uuid`
    Second   PythonTime `json:"second"`
    Location string     `json:"location"`
    Action   string     `json:"action"`
    Duration int        `json:"duration"`
    Value    string     `json:"value"`

So the the above works fine for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON. However, for my library that I am using (gocql and cqlr) they are checking if the type is a time.Time type so they can make some other modifications before putting it in C*. How do I get my PythonTime type to equate to either show as time.Time or override the default marshalling/unmarshalling for a time.Time object just for the use of my OtherType objects?

My temporary solution has been to modify their code and add a special case for the PythonTime type that does the same thing as the time.Time type. However, this is causing me circular imports and is not the best solution. Here is their code with my modifications.

func marshalTimestamp(info TypeInfo, value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
    switch v := value.(type) {
    case Marshaler:
        return v.MarshalCQL(info)
    case int64:
        return encBigInt(v), nil
    case time.Time:
        if v.IsZero() {
            return []byte{}, nil
        x := int64(v.UTC().Unix()*1e3) + int64(v.UTC().Nanosecond()/1e6)
        return encBigInt(x), nil
    case models.PythonTime:
        x := int64(v.UTC().Unix()*1e3) + int64(v.UTC().Nanosecond()/1e6)
        return encBigInt(x), nil

    if value == nil {
        return nil, nil

    rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
    switch rv.Type().Kind() {
    case reflect.Int64:
        return encBigInt(rv.Int()), nil
    return nil, marshalErrorf("can not marshal %T into %s", value, info)
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  • douliang4858 2016-02-05 15:45

    Just like you have done with the json.Marshaler and json.Unamrshaler, you can also implement the gocql.Marshaler gocql.Unamrshaler interfaces.

    func (t *PythonTime) MarshalCQL(info gocql.TypeInfo) ([]byte, error) {
        b := make([]byte, 8)
        x := t.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
        binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(x))
        return b, nil
    func (t *PythonTime) UnmarshalCQL(info gocql.TypeInfo, data []byte) error {
        x := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data)) * int64(time.Millisecond)
        t.Time = time.Unix(0, x)
        return nil

    (note, untested in the context of CQL, but this does round-trip with itself)

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