中原谢顶宏 2022-10-14 01:59 采纳率: 100%
浏览 123

oracle使用not in导致结果不准确




create table IP_MAC
id NUMBER(10),
ip VARCHAR2(20),
mac VARCHAR2(30)

insert into IP_MAC values(1, 'ip1', 'mac1');
insert into IP_MAC values(1, 'ip2', 'mac2');
insert into IP_MAC values(1, 'ip3', 'mac3');

insert into IP_MAC values(2, 'ip1', 'mac2');
insert into IP_MAC values(2, 'ip3', 'mac3');

insert into IP_MAC values(3, 'ip1', 'mac2');

insert into IP_MAC values(4, 'ip2', 'mac1');

insert into IP_MAC values(5, 'ip1', 'mac11');


with tmp as (
select a.id
,case when a.ip = b.ip and a.mac <> b.mac then b.id else null end id_ip
,case when a.ip <> b.ip and a.mac = b.mac then b.id else null end id_mac
,case when a.ip = b.ip and a.mac = b.mac then b.id else null end id_ipmac
from IP_MAC a
join IP_MAC b
on a.id<>b.id and(a.ip=b.ip or a.mac=b.mac)
group by a.id
,case when a.ip = b.ip and a.mac <> b.mac then b.id else null end
,case when a.ip <> b.ip and a.mac = b.mac then b.id else null end
,case when a.ip = b.ip and a.mac = b.mac then b.id else null end
select a.id
,en_concat(case when id_ip is not null
and a.id_ip not in (select id_mac from tmp where id_mac is not null )
and id_ip not in (select id_ipmac from tmp where id_ipmac is not null )
then id_ip else null end) ip
,en_concat(case when id_mac is not null and id_ip not in (select id_ip from tmp where id_ip is not null )
and id_mac not in (select id_ipmac from tmp where id_ipmac is not null ) then id_mac else null end) mac

,en_concat(distinct case when id_ipmac is not null then id_ipmac
when id_ip in (select id_mac from tmp where id_mac is not null ) and id_ip in (select id_ip from tmp where id_ip is not null ) then id_ip
else null end) ipmac

from tmp a
group by a.id



ID为5的数据,应该是IP列为1,2,3,IPMAC列为空, 但是查询结果是相反的。


感觉是 not in 有了 null值导致的, 但是排查不出结果



  • 写回答

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  • leaf_cq 2022-10-14 11:09

    1、展示优先级:客户id:当存在 ip、mac 同时满足的,则优先展示在ipmac中,其次,如果有 ip 满足的,则展示在 ip 列中,最后,如果有 mac 满足的,则展示在 mac 列中


        insert into IP_MAC values(6, 'ip4', 'mac4');
        insert into IP_MAC values(7, 'ip5', 'mac11');


    WITH a AS (
            SELECT a.id id_a, b.id id_b
                 , ( CASE WHEN a.ip = b.ip AND a.mac = b.mac THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) ipmac
                 , ( CASE WHEN a.ip = NVL( b.ip, '-' ) AND a.mac != NVL( b.mac, '-' ) THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) ip
                 , ( CASE WHEN a.ip != NVL( b.ip, '-' ) AND a.mac = NVL( b.mac, '-' ) THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) mac--, a.*, b.*
              FROM ip_mac a LEFT JOIN ip_mac b ON ( a.ip = b.ip OR a.mac = b.mac ) AND a.id != b.id )
        , b AS (
            SELECT id_a, ',' || to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( ipmac ) ) || ',' ipmac
                 , to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( ip ) ) || ',' ip
              FROM a GROUP BY id_a )
    SELECT a.id_a AS ID, to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( CASE WHEN b.ipmac LIKE '%,' || a.ip || ',%' THEN NULL ELSE a.ip END ) ) ip
         , to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( CASE WHEN b.ipmac || b.ip LIKE '%,' || a.mac || ',%' THEN NULL ELSE a.mac END ) ) mac
         , to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( a.ipmac ) ) ipmac
      FROM a JOIN b ON a.id_a = b.id_a
     GROUP BY a.id_a;



    输出结果各列id顺序未排序,是 wm_concat 函数的问题,我的是10g的数据库,没有listagg函数,如果你是11g的,可以使用listagg函数替换 wm_concat ,而且可以进行排序输出:listagg(column_name,',') within group(order by column_id)

    4、再次看了下题主的输出要求,发现ip和mac即便不在一条记录上满足,即 id 为 1 的 ip1 与 id为 3 的 ip1 相匹配,但id为 3 的这条记录的 mac 值 mac2 与 id 为 1 的另一条记录:ip2 mac2 中的mac2相匹配,这样似乎也算到 ipmac共同匹配的头上了,所以对上述SQL进行了修改:

    WITH a AS (
            SELECT a.id id_a, b.id id_b
                 , ( CASE WHEN a.ip = NVL( b.ip, '-' ) AND a.mac != NVL( b.mac, '-' ) THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) ip
                 , ( CASE WHEN a.ip != NVL( b.ip, '-' ) AND a.mac = NVL( b.mac, '-' ) THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) mac--, a.*, b.*
                 , COUNT( ( CASE WHEN a.ip = NVL( b.ip, '-' ) THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) ) OVER( PARTITION BY a.id, b.id ) cnt_ip
                 , COUNT( ( CASE WHEN a.mac = NVL( b.mac, '-' ) THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) ) OVER( PARTITION BY a.id, b.id ) cnt_mac
              FROM ip_mac a LEFT JOIN ip_mac b ON ( a.ip = b.ip OR a.mac = b.mac ) AND a.id != b.id )
        , b AS (
            SELECT DISTINCT id_a, ( CASE WHEN cnt_ip > 0 AND cnt_mac > 0 THEN a.id_b ELSE NULL END ) ipmac
                 , ( CASE WHEN cnt_ip > 0 AND cnt_mac < 1 THEN a.ip ELSE NULL END ) ip
                 , ( CASE WHEN cnt_ip < 1 AND cnt_mac > 0 THEN a.mac ELSE NULL END ) mac
              FROM a )
    SELECT id_a AS ID, to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( ip ) ) ip
         , to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( mac ) ) mac
         , to_char( wmsys.wm_concat( ipmac ) ) ipmac
      FROM b GROUP BY id_a;




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