dtt2012 2013-04-11 09:09
浏览 62

正则表达式匹配实际模式之前的空格字符 - PHP

I have this string -: @Harry @Harry are great twins with @Harry

I would want to match @Harry in the above string. But on one condition -:

@Harry should be preceeded by either nothing or a white space character only, same goes for succession too.

So here 3 matches must be found. Currently i am doing this, but in vain -: (\s|^$)\@Harry(\s|^$).

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  • duangao7133 2013-04-11 09:13

    ^$ means an empty string.
    [\s means more than a whitespace (source) so you should just use a whitespace :)] <= Unnecessary

    So, without taking the whitespace as part of the match:


    Source for the lookarounds.
    Also, if you want to match the whitespaces, remove those lookarounds.

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