duanrong5167 2014-10-25 07:35
浏览 65


As you know, Codeigniter is a great PHP framework, I'm trying to make my own framework. Here is a problem. I really like the $data functionality in Codeigniter and I want to make it happen in my framework. Question is, how it works. Here is what it does :

  1. you make a array like this :

    $data['title']= 'My Name';
  2. then you can use this variable like this in view :

    $title ;

How I can make a variable like $data ?

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  • duanshan3427 2014-10-25 07:42

    What you are looking for is turning array keys into variables. There's one in-built function given to do this.

    extract() - Import variables into the current symbol table from an array

    $data['x'] = "Value";
    extract($data,  EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, null);
    echo $x;

    Go through docs and explore how you want to use it.

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