dongliu8559 2015-10-20 16:53
浏览 29

Wordpress:尝试在窗口小部件定义中调用get_permalink - 抛出错误

The commented line below throws an error.

class Overall_Travel_Times_Widget extends WP_Widget {
    var $title       = 'Travel Times Widget';
    //var $title_link  = get_permalink( get_page_by_path( 'delays' ) );

How can I access the standard wordpress functionality from inside the widget definition?

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  • douna2014 2015-10-20 18:42

    I tested your code, it was outputting parse error "unexpected var"

        Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'var' (T_VAR) 

    I remove var keyword in front of your variables and it worked:

     $title       = 'Travel Times Widget';
     $title_link  = get_permalink( get_page_by_path( 'delays' ) );

    So after removing 'var' which you have in front of both variables, your code will work fine. As I tested it provided me the link for the page with the slug I provided.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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