dsdzvprlp51692469 2016-04-02 15:10
浏览 128


In ZF2, I have the controller factory that instantiates the controller. The controller displays and processes 6 forms. The forms share the same name of the submit button, but have different submit values.

The forms get processed in the controllers indexAction() using multiple if-elseifs based on the value of the form's submit button.

I'd like to get rid of if-elseifs. I guess I need to use the strategy design pattern on the controller's factory class. Problem is that I somehow need to pass the value of the submit button into the controller factory.

How can I do this?

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  • doufu1950 2016-04-04 06:26

    The way to pass this into the controller is to use Zend\Http\Request;. With the request object you can then get the posted value.

    BUT! After digging, found 2 resources:

    1. http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/ZF2-Injecting-objects-to-a-controller-or-getting-objects-from-the-service-locator-td4656872.html. Here @weierophinney (one of the main contributors to the Zend framework) suggests a couple of guidelines:

    The rule of thumb I have is: more than 5-7 actions in a controller: refactor. More than 1-2 forms: refactor. Otherwise, the workflow of the controller becomes too difficult to follow easily.

    If your actions in the controller use the same form, you can set setValidationGroup() and with this validate different parts of the form depending on the action.

    So for my case, I guess, I need to refactor the controller to separate out the forms.

    1. http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/zf2-widget-base-app-logic-td4657457.html. Here @weierophinney suggests using view helpers for the forms.
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