douji6461 2016-03-09 23:26
浏览 99


i am observing very strange situation with my login form. The first version of my login was the simple login with email and password. It was working fine till i alter my users table to have another field "status". I want only confirmed by administrator users so be able to login. So i added the "status" field to the attempt()-method as follows:

if ($this->auth->attempt([$this->loginUsername() => $request->input($this->loginUsername()), 'password' => $request->input('password'), 'status' => 1], $request->has('remember'))) 

the first time when i try to log, the login was successful. Than i log out and try to login again, but i am not able to login. Reason: "These credentials do not match our records."

If i try again to login with 'unused' user than i can login again, but after log out this username is no more accessible. Why is that happening ?

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  • donglu9898 2016-03-09 23:47

    it was my bad. Chrome stores false password, that's why i cannot login

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