dongshanxiao7328 2011-10-27 16:10
浏览 22


On my mysql db, I have two tables: "User" And "UserProfile". The table "UserProfile" has a foreign key column named 'user_id' which links to "User" table's "id" column. Now, when I am generating all entity classes from my db tables using doctrine, the created "UserProfile" class contains a property named 'user'(which is of "User" type) and doesn't contain any property named 'user_id'. Is it ok?

Now, if I want to find a user's profile, given the user_id, I needed to write something like this:

$user_profile_repo = $this->em->getRepository("UserProfile");

$user_profile = $user_profile_repo->findOneBy(array("user_id"=>$id));

But as the generated entity class doesn't include the "user_id" property, the above code won't work. Now I need to know how can I do the tweak to make the above code work please? Thanks.

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  • duannaoben8011 2011-10-27 16:46

    the actual names of the tables/columns in the database are not really important. you can set them in the comments.

    it should be something like this:

     * models\User
     * @Table(name="User")
     * @Entity
    class User
         * @Column(name="id", type="integer", precision=0, scale=0, nullable=false, unique=false)
         * @Id
         * @GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
        private $id;
         * @Column(name="name", type="string", length=50, precision=0, scale=0, nullable=false, unique=false)
        private $name;
         * @OneToOne(targetEntity="models\UserProfile", mappedBy="user")
        private $profile;
     * models\UserProfile
     * @Table(name="UserProfile")
     * @Entity
    class UserProfile
         * @OneToOne(targetEntity="models\User", inversedBy("profile"))
         * @JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")
        private $user;

    in this case a user has the column id, and the userprofile has user_id

    once generated, you should get in the User the method getProfile() and in the UserProfile you should get getUser()

    it is similar to 5.7 oneToOne bidirectional:

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