dsfs504545 2015-02-23 19:33
浏览 35

具有/ Parent ID到类别分类数组的PHP多维数组,Ebay样式

Going for days now, ready to quit. I make a call to eBay's trading API to return a list of categories. The array below shows how these categories are returned from the API. I am trying like hell to arrange it into a taxonomy like the first gray box below.

Do note that the number at the beginning of each line is the id of the final category for that particular line.

3270: Vehicle Electronics & GPS
175716: Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio
18805: Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio > Car Subwoofers
18795: Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio > Car Amplifiers
39754: Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio > Car Audio In-Dash Units

I have greatly shortened this array to one example. Many categories will be pumped through to build the taxonomy.

The CategoryLevel can start at any number and it can end at any number. In this example, it starts at 2 and the highest level is 4.

    [3270] => Array
            [CategoryID] => 3270
            [CategoryLevel] => 2
            [CategoryName] => Vehicle Electronics & GPS
            [CategoryParentID] => 293

    [175716] => Array
            [CategoryID] => 175716
            [CategoryLevel] => 3
            [CategoryName] => Car Audio
            [CategoryParentID] => 3270

    [79839] => Array
            [CategoryID] => 79839
            [CategoryLevel] => 4
            [CategoryName] => Signal Processors
            [CategoryParentID] => 175716
            [LeafCategory] => true

    [18805] => Array
            [CategoryID] => 18805
            [CategoryLevel] => 4
            [CategoryName] => Car Subwoofers
            [CategoryParentID] => 175716
            [LeafCategory] => true

    [18795] => Array
            [CategoryID] => 18795
            [CategoryLevel] => 4
            [CategoryName] => Car Amplifiers
            [CategoryParentID] => 175716
            [LeafCategory] => true

    [39754] => Array
            [CategoryID] => 39754
            [CategoryLevel] => 4
            [CategoryName] => Car Audio In-Dash Units
            [CategoryParentID] => 175716
            [LeafCategory] => true


Thank you in advance for your help!

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  • dsag14654 2015-02-23 20:00

    Edit: Again, fixed error.

    function makeNestedData($data){
        //create a nested tree using the above structure
        $nested = array();
        //loop over each category
        foreach($data as &$category){
            //is there is no children array, add it
                $category['Children'] = array();
            //check if there is a matching parent
                //add this under the parent as a child by reference
                    $data[$category['CategoryParentID']]['Children'] = array();
                $data[$category['CategoryParentID']]['Children'][$category['CategoryID']] = &$category;
            //else, no parent found, add at top level
            } else {
                $nested[$category['CategoryID']] = &$category;
        return $nested;
    //now flatten out the nested array recursively
    function flattenNested($nested, $parent=''){
        $out = array();
        foreach($nested as $category){
            $categoryName = $parent.$category['CategoryName'];
            $out[$category['CategoryID']] = $categoryName;
            //recurse for each child
            $out += flattenNested($category['Children'], $categoryName.' > ');
        return $out;
    $result = flattenNested(makeNestedData($array));


        [3270] => Vehicle Electronics & GPS
        [175716] => Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio
        [79839] => Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio > Signal Processors
        [18805] => Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio > Car Subwoofers
        [18795] => Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio > Car Amplifiers
        [39754] => Vehicle Electronics & GPS > Car Audio > Car Audio In-Dash Units

    Output is an array with the right side category id as the key and the value is a string with category text.

    This may seem like a complicated or unnecessary way to do this, but this is really one of the better ways IMO because it will handle any order for the categories and any number of nested levels. The only limit would have to do with the recursion and possibly memory but I tried to use references where possible to keep that memory footprint as small as possible.

    Example: http://codepad.viper-7.com/Fke5OA

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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