I wanna create array from ajax response. I took array from ajax and i have to create dynamic data for chips materializecss autocomplete
var tag = '';
$(document).on('keyup', '.tags', function() {
var _this = $(this).val();
if(_this.length > 1) {
url: '/story/searchTags',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'JSON',
data: {
tag: _this
success: function(tags) {
tag = tags;
placeholder: lang_('Your tag'),
secondaryPlaceholder: '+ tag',
autocompleteOptions: {
// I need data like this from response
data: {
'Google', null
'Googol', null
limit: 5,
minLength: 2
<div class="chips chips-placeholder chips-autocomplete input-field" style="background:#fff">
<input class="input tags" placeholder="tag" autocomplete="off" />
Finally, thanks to @Vel to find right answer. jsfiddle - work code