duanguangwang5829 2012-05-19 15:08 采纳率: 0%
浏览 52


I need to invoke a function on click of a link in a table and pass a variable to make a new query to the database.

In practice, I show a table of data in a table of my db. I want to view them in a new page (but only the row selected by me).

How can I send to the server (using jquery) the ID that is in the anchor element id attribute when it is clicked?

Io necessito di richiamare una funzione sull' onclick di un link presente in una tabella e passargli un variabile per effettuare una nuova interrogazione al db.

come posso fare?

In pratica, mostro in una tabella dei dati di una tabella del db. e poi voglio visionarli in una nuova pagina (ma solo la riga scelta da me)

come posso fare per inviare al mio javascript (uso jquery) il valore id selezionato

Here's my code:



codice to make a table

<... < td>< a id=rich".$idrichiesta." href=\"#\" onclick=vediticket(".$idrichiesta.")> vedi link < ./a>


efunction vediticket(ID){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "inc.miapagina.inc.php", data: "idric="+ID, success:function(msg){ ("#mydiv").html(msg); } }); }`e
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  • doutun1875 2012-05-19 15:32

    I really don't know what all these symbols are in your code. Your code is just messy and hard to read. You need to clean it up. And I don't think there is a keyword in JavaScript called "efunction". I also don't know why you're putting everything in a PHP print(). That's harder to maintain.

    Use this for your td's (and not in PHP print() but you can just us this as regular html and then echo the variables individually with <?php ?> right in the attribute):

    <td><a href="#" id="rich<?php echo $idrichiesta; ?>">Click here</a></td>

    And this in your JavaScript file:

    $('td a').click(function() {
        var ID = $(this).attr('id').replace('rich','');
            type: "POST",
            url: "inc.miapagina.inc.php",
            data: "idric=" + ID,
            success: function(msg) {
                $("#mydiv").html(msg); // what is #mydiv? you need to change this to the actual element you want the message to be put into

    Also don't use inline JavaScript (onclick="", etc.) That is bad practice since it gets hard to maintain. Register events programmatically like above, rather than inline instead if you're going to use jQuery. Registering events programmatically (like above) is Unobtrusive JavaScript.

    I hope this helps.

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