I've recently started to work with Laravel and I just recently got help to insert the data into multiple tables from one controller. Now I'm trying to retrieve data from the database and populate the form if an edit is needed or if someone needs to look at the data to be able to confirm it is correct. I don't understand how I join the tables is this in the model in Laravel? Or do I have to create a join SQL query?
Travelbill.php Model
class Travelbill extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'travelbill';
protected $primaryKey = 'TravelbillId';
protected $fillable = array('ResourceId', 'Destination', 'StartDay', 'StartTime', 'EndDay', 'EndTime', 'Invoice', 'TravelCompensation');
public $timestamps = true;
public function travelbill() {
return $this->belongsTo('User', 'ResourceId', 'ResourceId');
public function cost() {
return $this->hasOne('Cost', 'TravelbillId', 'TravelbillId');
public function allowance() {
return $this->hasOne('Allowance', 'TravelbillId', 'TravelbillId');
Cost.php Model
class Cost extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'cost';
protected $primaryKey = 'CostId';
// protected $fillable = array('TravelbillId', 'Description', 'DescriptionByHiq', 'SekInklMoms', 'SekExklMoms', 'SekInklMomsByHiq', 'SekExklMomsByHiq', 'Currency', 'ExchangeRate');
protected $fillable = array('TravelbillId', 'Description', 'DescriptionByHiq', 'SekInklMoms', 'SekMoms', 'SekInklMomsByHiq', 'SekMomsByHiq', 'Currency', 'ExchangeRate');
public $timestamps = false;
public function cost() {
return $this->belongsTo('Travelbill', 'TravelbillId', 'TravelbillId');
Allowance.php Model
class Allowance extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'allowance';
protected $primaryKey = 'AllowanceId';
protected $fillable = array('TravelbillId', 'DayAllowance', 'Breakfast', 'Lunch', 'Dinner');
public $timestamps = false;
public function allowance() {
return $this->belongsTo('Travelbill', 'TravelbillId', 'TravelbillId');
Or where am i doing this join so if i get the travelbill it also gets the Cost and Allowance data with the request?
I need to get the data into my AngularJS form so if a person with id = 1 needs to edit his Travelbill he should be able to click a edit button and see the information ha has filled out.