I am working on a web application where i need to notify the administrators of certain activities on the site. I have implemented a Message class which i use to create notifications. These messages are loaded by a Service Provider each time and shared to all the views. My problem now is how to update messages list on a global scope after an administrator acts on the list. For example if admin1 reads a message i want admin2 and admin3 to realize that the message in question has been replied.
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douwen3836 2019-07-15 12:36关注I have been able to solve my problem. I actually used a service provider in which i load the messages from the database. The latte is being called for every request that the user sends hence by just refreshing the page each administrator will be able to get the updates on each of the notifications.
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- 2018-01-24 02:03回答 3 已采纳 You need to run npm run dev on your development server and npm run prod on your production server,
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