dsdeeaquu38538545 2015-03-11 16:40 采纳率: 100%
浏览 544


I want to draw a mailing label with some rectangles, barcodes, and then finally generate a PNG/PDF file.

Is there is a better way to draw a shape in Go other than to do it with primitives - pixel by pixel?

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  • doudai3012 2015-03-12 07:37

    The standard Go library does not provide primitive drawing or painting capabilities.

    What it provides is models for colors (image/color package) and an Image interface with several implementations (image package). The blog post The Go Image package is a good introduction to this.

    It also provides a capability to combine images (e.g. draw them on each other) with different operations in the image/draw package. This can be used to a lot more than it sounds at first. There is a nice blog article about the image/draw package which showcases some of its potential: The Go image/draw package

    Another example is the open-source game Gopher's Labyrinth (disclosure: I'm the author) which has a graphical interface and it uses nothing else just the standard Go library to assemble its view.

    Gopher's Labyrinth Screenshot

    It's open source, check out its sources how it is done. It has a scrollable game view with moving images/animations in it.

    The standard library also supports reading and writing common image formats like GIF, JPEG, PNG, and support for other formats are available out of the box: BMP, RIFF, TIFF and even WEBP (only a reader/decoder).

    Although support is not given by the standard library, it is fairly easy to draw lines and rectangles on an image. Given an img image which supports changing a pixel with a method: Set(x, y int, c color.Color) (for example image.RGBA is perfect for us) and a col of type color.Color:

    // HLine draws a horizontal line
    func HLine(x1, y, x2 int) {
        for ; x1 <= x2; x1++ {
            img.Set(x1, y, col)
    // VLine draws a veritcal line
    func VLine(x, y1, y2 int) {
        for ; y1 <= y2; y1++ {
            img.Set(x, y1, col)
    // Rect draws a rectangle utilizing HLine() and VLine()
    func Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2 int) {
        HLine(x1, y1, x2)
        HLine(x1, y2, x2)
        VLine(x1, y1, y2)
        VLine(x2, y1, y2)

    Using these simple functions here is a runnable example program which draws a line and a rectangle and saves the image into a .png file:

    import (
    var img = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100))
    var col color.Color
    func main() {
        col = color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255} // Red
        HLine(10, 20, 80)
        col = color.RGBA{0, 255, 0, 255} // Green
        Rect(10, 10, 80, 50)
        f, err := os.Create("draw.png")
        if err != nil {
        defer f.Close()
        png.Encode(f, img)

    If you want to draw texts, you can use the Go implementation of FreeType. Also check out this question for a simple introduction to drawing strings on images: How to add a simple text label to an image in Go?

    If you want advanced and more complex drawing capabilities, there are also many external libraries available, for example:



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