douchuitang0331 2015-12-09 06:21
浏览 1283


I am new to golang, and got stuck at this. I have an array of structure:

Users []struct {
   UserName string 
   Category string
   Age string

I want to retrieve all the UserName from this array of structure. So, output would be of type:

UserList []string 

I know the brute force method of using a loop to retrieve the elements manually and constructing an array from that. Is there any other way to do this?

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  • doude4924 2015-12-09 08:38

    Nope, loops are the way to go.

    Here's a working example.

    package main
    import "fmt"
    type User struct {
        UserName string
        Category string
        Age      int
    type Users []User
    func (u Users) NameList() []string {
        var list []string
        for _, user := range u {
            list = append(list, user.UserName)
        return list
    func main() {
        users := Users{
            User{UserName: "Bryan", Category: "Human", Age: 33},
            User{UserName: "Jane", Category: "Rocker", Age: 25},
            User{UserName: "Nancy", Category: "Mother", Age: 40},
            User{UserName: "Chris", Category: "Dude", Age: 19},
            User{UserName: "Martha", Category: "Cook", Age: 52},
        UserList := users.NameList()
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