douyin8809 2015-07-11 20:54
浏览 85

Go lang中html / template的性能降低,有什么解决方法吗?

I'm stress testing (with this type of code in Go to create an array of 100 items along with some other basic variables and parse them all in the template:

package main

import (

var templates map[string]*template.Template

// Load templates on program initialisation
func init() {
    if templates == nil {
        templates = make(map[string]*template.Template)

    templates["index.html"] = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("index.html"))

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    type Post struct {
        Id int
        Title, Content string

    var Posts [100]Post

    // Fill posts
    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
        Posts[i] = Post{i, "Sample Title", "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet"}

    type Page struct {
        Title, Subtitle string
        Posts [100]Post

    var p Page

    p.Title = "Index Page of My Super Blog"
    p.Subtitle = "A blog about everything"
    p.Posts = Posts

    tmpl := templates["index.html"]

    tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", p)

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
    http.ListenAndServe(":8888", nil)

My test with Loader is using 5k concurrent connections/s through 1 minute. The problem is, just after a few seconds after starting the test, I get a high average latency (almost 10s) and as a result 5k successful responses and the test stops because it reaches the Error Rate of 50% (timeouts).

On the same machine, PHP gives 50k+.

I understand that it's not Go performance issue, but probably something related to html/template. Go can easily manage hard enough calculations a lot faster than anything like PHP of course, but when it comes to parsing the data to the template, why is it so awful?

Any workarounds, or probably I'm just doing it wrong (I'm new to Go)?

P.S. Actually even with 1 item it's exactly the same... 5-6k and stopping after huge amount of timeouts. But that's probably because the array with posts is staying of the same length.

My template code (index.html):

{{ .Title }}
{{ .Subtitle }}

{{ range .Posts }}
        {{ .Title }}
        {{ .Content }}
{{ end }}

Here's the profiling result of

root@Test:~# go tool pprof app /tmp/profile311243501/cpu.pprof
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /usr/lib/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/pprof line 3008.
Welcome to pprof!  For help, type 'help'.
(pprof) top10
Total: 2054 samples
      97   4.7%   4.7%      726  35.3%
      89   4.3%   9.1%      278  13.5% runtime.mallocgc
      85   4.1%  13.2%       86   4.2% syscall.Syscall
      66   3.2%  16.4%       75   3.7% runtime.MSpan_Sweep
      58   2.8%  19.2%     1842  89.7% text/template.(*state).walk
      54   2.6%  21.9%      928  45.2% text/template.(*state).evalCall
      51   2.5%  24.3%       53   2.6% settype
      47   2.3%  26.6%       47   2.3% runtime.stringiter2
      44   2.1%  28.8%      149   7.3% runtime.makeslice
      40   1.9%  30.7%      223  10.9% text/template.(*state).evalField

These are profiling results after refining the code (as suggested in the answer by icza):

root@Test:~# go tool pprof app /tmp/profile501566907/cpu.pprof
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /usr/lib/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/pprof line 3008.
Welcome to pprof!  For help, type 'help'.
(pprof) top10
Total: 2811 samples
     137   4.9%   4.9%      442  15.7% runtime.mallocgc
     126   4.5%   9.4%      999  35.5%
     113   4.0%  13.4%      115   4.1% syscall.Syscall
     110   3.9%  17.3%      122   4.3% runtime.MSpan_Sweep
     102   3.6%  20.9%     2561  91.1% text/template.(*state).walk
      74   2.6%  23.6%      337  12.0% text/template.(*state).evalField
      68   2.4%  26.0%       72   2.6% settype
      66   2.3%  28.3%     1279  45.5% text/template.(*state).evalCall
      65   2.3%  30.6%      226   8.0% runtime.makeslice
      57   2.0%  32.7%       57   2.0% runtime.stringiter2
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  • dongping8572 2015-07-14 06:25

    There are two main reasons why the equivalent application using html/template is slower than PHP variant.

    First of all html/template provides more functionality than the PHP. The main difference is that html/template will automatically escape variables using correct escaping rules (HTML, JS, CSS, etc) depending on their location in the resulting HTML output (which I think is quite cool!).

    Secondly html/template rendering code heavily uses reflection and methods with variable number of arguments and they are just not as fast as statically compiled code.

    Under the hood the following template

    {{ .Title }}
    {{ .Subtitle }}
    {{ range .Posts }}
        {{ .Title }}
        {{ .Content }}
    {{ end }}

    is converted to something like

    {{ .Title | html_template_htmlescaper }}
    {{ .Subtitle | html_template_htmlescaper }}
    {{ range .Posts }}
        {{ .Title | html_template_htmlescaper }}
        {{ .Content | html_template_htmlescaper }}
    {{ end }}

    Calling html_template_htmlescaper using reflection in a loop kills performance.

    Having said all that this micro-benchmark of html/template shouldn't be used to decide whether to use Go or not. Once you add code to work with the database to the request handler I suspect that template rendering time will hardly be noticeable.

    Also I am pretty sure that over time both Go reflection and html/template package will become faster.

    If in a real application you will find that html/template is a bottleneck it still possible to switch to text/template and supply it with already escaped data.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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