I have a yaml configuration file that contains sets of configuration commands to send to network devices. Inside of each set, there are vendor-specific keys and the values for each vendor key can be either a configuration command string, a list of configuration command strings, or a list of key-value pairs mapping a vendor-specific model string to a configuration command string. Below is an example:
# example.yml
cisco: "terminal length 0"
- basic : "show version"
- basic : "show boot"
"3560" : "3560 boot command"
"2960x": "2960x boot command"
- basic : "dir flash:"
"3560" : "3560 dir command"
cisco: ["terminal no length", "quit"]
I want to combine these commands into a map like so:
var cmdMap = map[string][]string{
"cisco": []string{
"terminal length 0",
"show version",
"show boot",
"dir flash:",
"terminal no length",
"cisco.3560": []string{
"terminal length 0",
"show version",
"3560 boot command",
"3560 dir command",
"terminal no length",
"cisco.2960x": []string{
"terminal length 0",
"show version",
"2960x boot command",
"dir flash:",
"terminal no length",
I am using spf13/viper to handle parsing the yaml file and have been able to add the specific commands to each vendor and model, but adding the commands that apply to both vendor and specific model is where I am stuck. This is the actual output of my program followed by my code:
$ go run main.go example.yml
terminal length 0
show version
show boot
dir flash:
terminal no length
# missing terminal length 0, show version, etc.
3560 boot command
3560 dir command
# missing terminal length 0, show version, etc.
2960x boot command
My code:
package main
import (
func main() {
cfgFile := flag.Arg(0)
v := viper.New()
if err := v.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
for k, v := range MapCfgCmds(v.GetStringMap("cmds")) {
", k)
for _, cmd := range v {
func MapCfgCmds(cfgCmds map[string]interface{}) map[string][]string {
cmdMap := make(map[string][]string)
for _, cmdSet := range cfgCmds {
cmdSet, _ := cmdSet.(map[string]interface{})
for vendor, cmdList := range cmdSet {
switch cmds := cmdList.(type) {
case string:
// single string command (i.e., vendor: cmd)
cmdMap[vendor] = append(cmdMap[vendor], cmds)
case []interface{}:
for _, cmd := range cmds {
switch c := cmd.(type) {
case string:
// list of strings (i.e., vendor: [cmd1,cmd2,...,cmdN])
cmdMap[vendor] = append(cmdMap[vendor], c)
case map[interface{}]interface{}:
// This is where I am stuck
// list of key-value pairs (i.e., vendor: {model: modelCmd})
for model, modelCmd := range c {
modelCmd, _ := modelCmd.(string)
if model == "basic" {
cmdMap[vendor] = append(cmdMap[vendor], modelCmd)
modelKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", vendor, model)
cmdMap[modelKey] = append(cmdMap[modelKey], modelCmd)
return cmdMap
How can I combine the "universal" and model-specific commands to get the expected cmdMap
value from above?