drt3751 2018-07-13 13:22
浏览 525

解析嵌套的YAML Golang

I'm trying to parse a simple YAML file with go, but I am having some difficulty.

My YAML file is as follows.

    attr1: "attr1"
    attr2: "attr2"
    attr3: "attr3"
    list1: ["a", "b", "c"]
    list2: ["d", "e", "f"]

and my go script looks like this.

package main

import (


type keys struct {
    Key1 map[string]key1 `yaml:"key1"`

type key1 struct {
    Attr1 string   `yaml:"attr1"`
    Attr2 string   `yaml:"attr2"`
    Attr3 string   `yaml:"attr3"`
    List1 []string `yaml:"list1"`
    List2 []string `yaml:"list2"`

func main() {
    var d keys

    source, err := ioutil.ReadFile("test_yaml.yaml")

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Couldn't read yaml file.")

    err = yaml.Unmarshal(source, &d)

    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Couldn't parse yaml file.")


When I run it, my map is empty ({map[]} is printed). If I change the keys struct to map[string]interface{} it seems to get all the info, but the lists aren't interpreted correctly, which is why I tried defining the inner structure.

Does anyone know why my key1 struct doesn't work but interface{} does?

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  • dpyln64620 2018-07-13 13:26

    Your type definition:

    type keys struct {
        Key1 map[string]key1 `yaml:"key1"`
    type key1 struct {
        Attr1 string   `yaml:"attr1"`
        Attr2 string   `yaml:"attr2"`
        Attr3 string   `yaml:"attr3"`
        List1 []string `yaml:"list1"`
        List2 []string `yaml:"list2"`

    Implies this structure:

            attr1: "attr1"
            attr2: "attr2"
            attr3: "attr3"
            list1: ["a", "b", "c"]
            list2: ["d", "e", "f"]
            attr1: "attr1"
            attr2: "attr2"
            attr3: "attr3"
            list1: ["a", "b", "c"]
            list2: ["d", "e", "f"]

    Because, per your data type, key1 should contain a map of keys to structs - adding a level to the hierarchy that doesn't exist. For the YAML you posted, your structure should be:

    type keys struct {
        Key1 key1 `yaml:"key1"`
    type key1 struct {
        Attr1 string   `yaml:"attr1"`
        Attr2 string   `yaml:"attr2"`
        Attr3 string   `yaml:"attr3"`
        List1 []string `yaml:"list1"`
        List2 []string `yaml:"list2"`
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