I'm a Python programmer enjoying Go. The thing that trips me up must often is the use of references; I have mastered it (mostly) but then on occasion something baffles me, such as this one.
I have a simple type ('Fixture'):
type Fixture struct {
Probabilities *[]float64
If I populate the Probabilities field for a single instance of this type, everything is fine:
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
f := Fixture{}
p := []float64{}
p = append(p, 0.5)
p = append(p, 0.2)
p = append(p, 0.3)
f.Probabilities = &p
c.Infof("%v", *f.Probabilities)
2013/03/19 07:37:36 INFO: [0.5 0.2 0.3]
However if I try and populate this field for an array of these types, the code compiles but the field value is always nil:
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
fixtures := []Fixture{}
f := Fixture{}
fixtures = append(fixtures, f)
for _, f := range fixtures {
p := []float64{}
p = append(p, 0.5)
p = append(p, 0.2)
p = append(p, 0.3)
f.Probabilities = &p
for _, f := range fixtures {
// c.Infof("%v", *f.Probabilities) // causes error
c.Infof("%v", f.Probabilities)
2013/03/19 07:37:41 INFO: <nil>
I guess I'm not understanding how arrays/slices work, particularly with respect to references. Can anyone point out where I'm going wrong ?