I come from a Python background and this is my first proper foray into Go so I don't think things are clicking quite yet.
I'm currently implementing the Affiliate Window XML API in Go. The API follows a standard structure for Requests and Responses so to that end I'm trying to keep things dry. Envelopes always have the same structure, something like this:
The contents Header
and Body
will be different depending on what I'm requesting and the response so I created a base Envelope
type Envelope struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Envelope"`
NS1 string `xml:"xmlns:ns1,attr"`
XSD string `xml:"xmlns:xsd,attr"`
Header interface{} `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Header"`
Body interface{} `xml:"Body"`
This works well for marshaling the XML for a request but I'm having problems with unmarshaling:
func NewResponseEnvelope(body interface{}) *Envelope {
envelope := NewEnvelope()
envelope.Header = &ResponseHeader{}
envelope.Body = body
return envelope
func main() {
responseBody := &GetMerchantListResponseBody{}
responseEnvelope := NewResponseEnvelope(responseBody)
b := bytes.NewBufferString(response)
fmt.Println(responseEnvelope.Header.Quota) // Why can't I access this?
This http://play.golang.org/p/v-MkfEyFPM probably describes the problem better in code than I can in words :p