I'm extracting a frame from a video using ffmpeg and golang. If I have a video in bytes instead of saved on disk as an .mp4, how do I tell ffmpeg to read from those bytes without having to write the file to disk, as that is much slower?
I have this working reading from a file, but I'm not sure how to read from bytes.
I've looked at the ffmpeg
documentation here but only see output examples instead of input examples.
func ExtractImage(fileBytes []byte){
// command line args, path, and command
command = "ffmpeg"
frameExtractionTime := "0:00:05.000"
vframes := "1"
qv := "2"
output := "/home/ubuntu/media/video-to-image/output-" + time.Now().Format(time.Kitchen) + ".jpg"
// TODO: use fileBytes instead of videoPath
// create the command
cmd := exec.Command(command,
"-ss", frameExtractionTime,
"-i", videoPath,
"-vframes", vframes,
"-q:v", qv,
// run the command and don't wait for it to finish. waiting exec is run
// ignore errors for examples-sake
_ = cmd.Start()
_ = cmd.Wait()