I've written a simple GAE app that does a Get call to an external API but I'm getting a very strange error:
Get http://kenyan-politicians.popit.mysociety.org/api/v0.1/persons/core_person:1290: dial tcp: stat /etc/resolv.conf: operation not permitted
On my dev_appserver it works without any problems. So I'm wondering what could be the problem. I'm not using UrlFetch but my own package http://godoc.org/github.com/johnwesonga/go-mzalendo/mzalendo that uses http.NewRequest and http.DefaultClient.Do
Because of AppEngine restrictions I'm passing my own client to the NewClient call:
func createHttpClient() *http.Client {
transport := http.Transport{}
client := &http.Client{
Transport: &transport,
return client
client := createHttpClient()
c := mzalendo.NewClient(client)