duanfei1987 2016-05-04 08:43
浏览 56


So, i have my slice renamed for using in functions, which one connected to array (like a class methods).

type Points []Point

func (p Points) Isset(ip Point) bool {
     for _, i := range p {
         if i.Hash == ip.Hash {
             return true
     return false

But it's doesn't matter, coz in another function, which one tried to pass slice with type Points, i have some trouble...

Here is example:

func (p Points) Merge(ip Points) {

In first function - i can access to my p variable as array. In second - p - just empty array. But if i change type of passed variable - everything will be fine.

What should i do... I need to specify me merge function. And this solution look's like awesome, but doesn't work.

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  • dongzou7134 2016-05-04 09:04

    I am not sure I understand, this is a play example showing both functions working as expected as far as I can tell.


    Perhaps you are running into some problem calling one function from the other (like calling Isset from Merge maybe?) In that case @Games' answer will probably still apply.

    EDIT this example show what I think you are probably trying to do. https://play.golang.org/p/CNEt-poKdN and it seems to work just fine (though has N^2 time performance)

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