I am receiving sensor data over MQTT. I want to check if the temperature is over 20 degrees, and if it is, send a message.
var f MQTT.MessageHandler = func(client MQTT.Client, msg MQTT.Message) {
type Data struct {
Sensor string `json:"sensor"`
Temp []int `json: "temperature"`
Hum []int `json: "humidity"`
var sensorData []Data
message := ""
err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Payload(), &sensorData)
if err != nil {
}else {
//access certain element in the Data struct
for _, i := range sensorData {
if i.Temp[2] > 20 { //where the temperature is stored
fmt.Println("Temperature too high")
message = "Temperature too high"
fmt.Println("Perfect temperature")
message = "Perfect temperature"
// Publish further instructions to "sensor/instruction"
token := client.Publish("sensor/instruction", 0, false, message)
Currently I am publishing two JSON objects to be received. I think part of the problem is distinguishing between the two objects. This is the error I am getting panic: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []main.Data
. These are the JSON objects I am publishing to a topic:
{'sensor': 'DHT22', 'temperature': [22.7, 22.7, 22.8], 'humidity': [51.9, 52.0, 52.0]}
{'actuator': 'arduinoLED', 'blink': ['false', 'false', 'false']}
The msg.Payload()
{"sensor": "DHT22", "temperature": [22.9, 22.9, 22.9], "humidity": [50.9, 50.9, 50.9]}
{"actuator": "arduinoLED", "blink": ["false", "false", "false"]
These objects are published constantly in a loop. I want to unmarshal the first object and access a specific element.