I want my app to send a request to server every minute to see if there is any event happened so that it send a HTTP request to fetch new data.
I have a server running windows with WAMP and PHP.
I have already read Dale's post, and searched and read everywhere, but still I don't understand how it works!!!
I want PHP to check the database for events, then if there is a new event, It sends a message to broker that "foo happened for bar", then the client sends a ping to see if there are any new events, then based on the message from the broker, the client knows what data it should fetch from the server.
I want something exactly like Telegram's push updates.
Can you please tell me how to use mqtt very simple? All tutorials I've seen are so much hard to understand and so complicated.
And how to use Mosquitto for that. (I've started the Mosquitto service on hte server, but have no idea where to begin how to use it)