How to have a variable whose type is a variable type?
What do I mean by that? I have a python and java background. In both languages I can do things like assigning a class name to variable.
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.a = "Some Value"
# And asigning the class name to a variable
class_A = A
# And create instance from class A by using class_A
a = class_A()
Is there such a mechanism in go that allows me to do that? I couldn't know where to look at for such things in their documentation. Honestly, generally I don't know what these are called in programming languages.
For example I would like to be able to do:
// For example, what would be the type of myType?
var myType type = int
I will use this mechanism to take "type" arguments. For example:
func Infer(value interface{}, type gotype) {...}