duanjia4220 2019-07-06 05:24
浏览 64


I start to learn Golang with sample project from https://github.com/dejavuzhou/felix

My first project already runnning well. But I want some custom output. I mean I want to get relation data Has Many when I get order data, but I fail.

Start with my simple case, I have 2 tables (order and detail_order). One order has one or more detail_order.

My handler_order.go

    package handlers

    import (

    func init() {
        groupApi.GET("order", orderAll)
        groupApi.GET("order/:id", orderOne)
        groupApi.POST("order", orderCreate)
        groupApi.PATCH("order", orderUpdate)
        groupApi.DELETE("order/:id", orderDelete)

    func orderAll(c *gin.Context) {
        mdl := models.Order{}
        query := &models.PaginationQuery{}
        err := c.ShouldBindQuery(query)
        if handleError(c, err) {
        list, total, err := mdl.All(query)
        if handleError(c, err) {
        jsonPagination(c, list, total, query)

    func orderOne(c *gin.Context) {
        var mdl models.Order
        id, err := parseParamID(c)
        if handleError(c, err) {
        mdl.Id = id
        data, err := mdl.One()
        if handleError(c, err) {
        jsonData(c, data)

    func orderCreate(c *gin.Context) {
        var mdl models.Order
        err := c.ShouldBind(&mdl)
        if handleError(c, err) {
        err = mdl.Create()
        if handleError(c, err) {
        jsonData(c, mdl)

    func orderUpdate(c *gin.Context) {
        var mdl models.Order
        err := c.ShouldBind(&mdl)
        if handleError(c, err) {
        err = mdl.Update()
        if handleError(c, err) {

    func orderDelete(c *gin.Context) {
        var mdl models.Order
        id, err := parseParamID(c)
        if handleError(c, err) {
        mdl.Id = id
        err = mdl.Delete()
        if handleError(c, err) {

My model_order.go

package models

import (

var _ = time.Thursday

type Order struct {
    Id    uint    `gorm:"column:id" form:"id" json:"id" comment:"" sql:"int(10),PRI"`
    Total float64 `gorm:"column:total" form:"total" json:"total" comment:"" sql:"double"`
    OrderDetail []OrderDetail `gorm:"foreignkey:OrderID" json:"detail_order"`

func (m *Order) TableName() string {
    return "order"

func (m *Order) One() (one *Order, err error) {
    one = &Order{}
    err = crudOne(m, one)

func (m *Order) All(q *PaginationQuery) (list *[]Order, total uint, err error) {
    list = &[]Order{}
    total, err = crudAll(m, q, list)

func (m *Order) Update() (err error) {
    where := Order{Id: m.Id}
    m.Id = 0

    return crudUpdate(m, where)

func (m *Order) Create() (err error) {
    m.Id = 0

    return mysqlDB.Create(m).Error

func (m *Order) Delete() (err error) {
    if m.Id == 0 {
        return errors.New("resource must not be zero value")
    return crudDelete(m)

My model_order_detail.go

package models

import (

var _ = time.Thursday

type OrderDetail struct {
    Id        uint    `gorm:"column:id" form:"id" json:"id" comment:"" sql:"int(10),PRI"`
    OrderId   int     `gorm:"column:order_id" form:"order_id" json:"order_id" comment:"" sql:"int(10),MUL"`
    ItemId    int     `gorm:"column:item_id" form:"item_id" json:"item_id" comment:"" sql:"int(10)"`
    ItemName  string  `gorm:"column:item_name" form:"item_name" json:"item_name" comment:"" sql:"varchar(100)"`
    ItemPrice float64 `gorm:"column:item_price" form:"item_price" json:"item_price" comment:"" sql:"double"`

func (m *OrderDetail) TableName() string {
    return "order_detail"

func (m *OrderDetail) One() (one *OrderDetail, err error) {
    one = &OrderDetail{}
    err = crudOne(m, one)

func (m *OrderDetail) All(q *PaginationQuery) (list *[]OrderDetail, total uint, err error) {
    list = &[]OrderDetail{}
    total, err = crudAll(m, q, list)

func (m *OrderDetail) Update() (err error) {
    where := OrderDetail{Id: m.Id}
    m.Id = 0

    return crudUpdate(m, where)

func (m *OrderDetail) Create() (err error) {
    m.Id = 0

    return mysqlDB.Create(m).Error

func (m *OrderDetail) Delete() (err error) {
    if m.Id == 0 {
        return errors.New("resource must not be zero value")
    return crudDelete(m)

And my db_helper.go

package models

import (

//PaginationQuery gin handler query binding struct
type PaginationQuery struct {
    Where  string `form:"where"`
    Fields string `form:"fields"`
    Order  string `form:"order"`
    Offset uint   `form:"offset"`
    Limit  uint   `form:"limit"`

//String to string
func (pq *PaginationQuery) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("w=%v_f=%s_o=%s_of=%d_l=%d", pq.Where, pq.Fields, pq.Order, pq.Offset, pq.Limit)

func crudAll(m interface{}, q *PaginationQuery, list interface{}) (total uint, err error) {
    var tx *gorm.DB
    total, tx = getResourceCount(m, q)
    if q.Fields != "" {
        columns := strings.Split(q.Fields, ",")
        if len(columns) > 0 {
            tx = tx.Select(q.Fields)
    if q.Order != "" {
        tx = tx.Order(q.Order)
    if q.Offset > 0 {
        tx = tx.Offset(q.Offset)
    if q.Limit <= 0 {
        q.Limit = 15
    err = tx.Limit(q.Limit).Find(list).Error

func crudOne(m interface{}, one interface{}) (err error) {
    if mysqlDB.Where(m).First(one).RecordNotFound() {
        return errors.New("resource is not found")
    return nil

func crudUpdate(m interface{}, where interface{}) (err error) {
    db := mysqlDB.Model(where).Updates(m)
    if err = db.Error; err != nil {
    if db.RowsAffected != 1 {
        return errors.New("id is invalid and resource is not found")
    return nil

func crudDelete(m interface{}) (err error) {
    //WARNING When delete a record, you need to ensure it’s primary field has value, and GORM will use the primary key to delete the record, if primary field’s blank, GORM will delete all records for the model
    //primary key must be not zero value
    db := mysqlDB.Delete(m)
    if err = db.Error; err != nil {
    if db.RowsAffected != 1 {
        return errors.New("resource is not found to destroy")
    return nil
func getResourceCount(m interface{}, q *PaginationQuery) (uint, *gorm.DB) {
    var tx = mysqlDB.Model(m)
    conditions := strings.Split(q.Where, ",")
    for _, val := range conditions {
        w := strings.SplitN(val, ":", 2)
        if len(w) == 2 {
            bindKey, bindValue := w[0], w[1]
            if intV, err := strconv.ParseInt(bindValue, 10, 64); err == nil {
                // bind value is int
                field := fmt.Sprintf("`%s` > ?", bindKey)
                tx = tx.Where(field, intV)
            } else if fV, err := strconv.ParseFloat(bindValue, 64); err == nil {
                // bind value is float
                field := fmt.Sprintf("`%s` > ?", bindKey)
                tx = tx.Where(field, fV)
            } else if bindValue != "" {
                // bind value is string
                field := fmt.Sprintf("`%s` LIKE ?", bindKey)
                sV := fmt.Sprintf("%%%s%%", bindValue)
                tx = tx.Where(field, sV)
    modelName := getType(m)
    rKey := redisPrefix + modelName + q.String() + "_count"
    v, err := mem.GetUint(rKey)
    if err != nil {
        var count uint
        mem.Set(rKey, count)
        return count, tx
    return v, tx

func getType(v interface{}) string {
    t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
    if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        return "*" + t.Elem().Name()
    return t.Name()

In my order model, I add

OrderDetail []OrderDetail `gorm:"foreignkey:OrderID" json:"detail_order"`

For my relation data. And the result is enter image description here

Even though I have the relation data enter image description here

My question, How I add / attach OrderDetail struct inside Order struct So that my table relationship data comes out.



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  • douguachan2879 2019-07-06 17:43

    You'd need to add a Preload call into your query or a Related call after you've gotten your object. See the Preload docs here or the Related docs for usage. If you use Preload, which I'd recommend for simplicity, you might have to abandon your crudOne function or adapt it to work with your needs.

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