drqvsx1228 2019-08-29 20:56 采纳率: 0%
浏览 286

Golang for-select炸毁CPU

I have a grpc benchmark test code which uses a function to merge hundreds of goroutine channels to one channel using for-select clause. the code is like this

     func (b *B) merge(
          ctx context.Context,
          nodes ...<-chan *pb.Node,
        ) chan *pb.Node {
    allNodes := make(chan *pb.Node)
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for _, n := range nodes {
        go func(n <-chan *pb.Node) {
            defer wg.Done()
            for {
                select {
                case <-ctx.Done():
                case val, ok := <-n:
                    if ok {
                        allNodes <- val
    go func() {
    return allNodes

when I monitor the code by top command in ubuntu 16.04, I see the 2-core server spins crazy, more than 196% of cpu usage.

Then I use pprof package analyze my code, it says 98% of my cpu spins this function, and the top function generate the result like this

    flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
   1640ms  5.78%  5.78%    27700ms 97.60%  B (*B).merge.func1
    5560ms 19.59% 25.37%    22130ms 77.98%  runtime.selectgo
     770ms  2.71% 28.08%    11190ms 39.43%  runtime.sellock
    2700ms  9.51% 37.60%    10430ms 36.75%  runtime.lock
    7710ms 27.17% 64.76%     7710ms 27.17%  runtime.procyield
     460ms  1.62% 66.38%     3850ms 13.57%  context.(*cancelCtx).Done
    1210ms  4.26% 70.65%     3350ms 11.80%  runtime.selunlock
    2700ms  9.51% 80.16%     2900ms 10.22%  sync.(*Mutex).Lock
    2110ms  7.43% 87.60%     2140ms  7.54%  runtime.unlock
     360ms  1.27% 88.87%      860ms  3.03%  runtime.typedmemclr

Anyone can give me some suggestions on how to write the correct code to merge large number of channels it seems this for-select block just make cpu goes crazily and at behind it use procyield which is not a very promising mechanism?

Is there anyway to control the cpu usage of a process?

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  • dtzh131555 2019-08-29 21:54

    It seems most likely that the channels passed in the nodes parameter are being closed before the context is cancelled. This turns your for loop into a tight loop which would consume all available CPU. Since a channel can't be reopened once closed, you can safely return from the goroutine once ok is false, which should resolve that issue:

        go func(n <-chan *pb.Node) {
            defer wg.Done()
            for {
                select {
                case <-ctx.Done():
                case val, ok := <-n:
                    if !ok {
                    allNodes <- val
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