doucan8276 2016-11-03 23:31
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So I know from reading around that Maps are intentionally unordered in Go, but they offer a lot of benefits that I would like to use for this problem I'm working on. My question is how might I order a map FIFO style? Is it even worth trying to make this happen? Specifically I am looking to make it so that I can unmarshal into a set of structures hopefully off of an interface.

Currently I have:

type Package struct {
    Account   string
    Jobs      []*Jobs
    Libraries map[string]string

type Jobs struct {
// Name of the job
     JobName string `mapstructure:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name" toml:"name"`
// Type of the job. should be one of the strings outlined in the job struct (below)
     Job *Job `mapstructure:"job" json:"job" yaml:"job" toml:"job"`
// Not marshalled
     JobResult string
// For multiple values
     JobVars []*Variable

type Job struct {
// Sets/Resets the primary account to use
    Account *Account `mapstructure:"account" json:"account" yaml:"account" toml:"account"`
// Set an arbitrary value
    Set *Set `mapstructure:"set" json:"set" yaml:"set" toml:"set"`
// Contract compile and send to the chain functions
    Deploy *Deploy `mapstructure:"deploy" json:"deploy" yaml:"deploy" toml:"deploy"`
// Send tokens from one account to another
    Send *Send `mapstructure:"send" json:"send" yaml:"send" toml:"send"`
// Utilize eris:db's native name registry to register a name
    RegisterName *RegisterName `mapstructure:"register" json:"register" yaml:"register" toml:"register"`
// Sends a transaction which will update the permissions of an account. Must be sent from an account which
// has root permissions on the blockchain (as set by either the genesis.json or in a subsequence transaction)
    Permission *Permission `mapstructure:"permission" json:"permission" yaml:"permission" toml:"permission"`
// Sends a bond transaction
    Bond *Bond `mapstructure:"bond" json:"bond" yaml:"bond" toml:"bond"`
// Sends an unbond transaction
    Unbond *Unbond `mapstructure:"unbond" json:"unbond" yaml:"unbond" toml:"unbond"`
// Sends a rebond transaction
    Rebond *Rebond `mapstructure:"rebond" json:"rebond" yaml:"rebond" toml:"rebond"`
// Sends a transaction to a contract. Will utilize eris-abi under the hood to perform all of the heavy lifting
    Call *Call `mapstructure:"call" json:"call" yaml:"call" toml:"call"`
// Wrapper for mintdump dump. WIP
    DumpState *DumpState `mapstructure:"dump-state" json:"dump-state" yaml:"dump-state" toml:"dump-state"`
// Wrapper for mintdum restore. WIP
    RestoreState *RestoreState `mapstructure:"restore-state" json:"restore-state" yaml:"restore-state" toml:"restore-state"`
// Sends a "simulated call" to a contract. Predominantly used for accessor functions ("Getters" within contracts)
    QueryContract *QueryContract `mapstructure:"query-contract" json:"query-contract" yaml:"query-contract" toml:"query-contract"`
// Queries information from an account.
    QueryAccount *QueryAccount `mapstructure:"query-account" json:"query-account" yaml:"query-account" toml:"query-account"`
// Queries information about a name registered with eris:db's native name registry
    QueryName *QueryName `mapstructure:"query-name" json:"query-name" yaml:"query-name" toml:"query-name"`
// Queries information about the validator set
    QueryVals *QueryVals `mapstructure:"query-vals" json:"query-vals" yaml:"query-vals" toml:"query-vals"`
// Makes and assertion (useful for testing purposes)
    Assert *Assert `mapstructure:"assert" json:"assert" yaml:"assert" toml:"assert"`

What I would like to do is to have jobs contain a map of string to Job and eliminate the job field, while maintaining order in which they were placed in from the config file. (Currently using viper). Any and all suggestions for how to achieve this are welcome.

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  • dsfdgdsfd23212 2016-11-03 23:55

    You would need to hold the keys in a separate slice and work with that.

    type fifoJob struct {
        m map[string]*Job
        order []string
        result []string
        // Not sure where JobVars will go. 
    func (str *fifoJob) Enqueue(key string, val *Job) {
        str.m[key] = val
        str.order = append(str.order, key)
    func (str *fifoJob) Dequeue() {
        if len(str.order) > 0 {
            delete(str.m, str.order[0])
            str.order = str.order[1:]

    Anyways if you're using viper you can use something like the fifoJob struct defined above. Also note that I'm making a few assumptions here.

    type Package struct {
        Account   string
        Jobs      *fifoJob
        Libraries map[string]string
    var config Package
    config.Jobs = fifoJob{}
    config.Jobs.m = map[string]*Job{}
    // Your config file would need to store the order in an array.
    // Would've been easy if viper had a getSlice method returning []interface{}
    config.Jobs.order = viper.GetStringSlice("") 
    for k,v := range viper.GetStringMap("") {
        if job, ok := v.(Job); ok {
            config.Jobs.m[k] = &job


    PS: You're giving too many irrelevant details in your question. I was asking for a MCVE.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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