duanao4503 2015-12-07 15:55
浏览 38


I have recently started programming with Go on Google App Engine and I have run into a road block. I come from Java land so it's been a slight struggle to adapt to Go.

I want to have a method that allows me to pass in a pointer to a slice that I can then pass into the datastore.GetAll call to retrieve the results. I then want to iterate through the results and use an assertion to cast as a specific interface (Queryable) in order to call a method Map().

Initially, I had this functioning properly:

func (s ProjectService) RunQuery(context context.Context, q *datastore.Query, projects *[]Project) error {
    keys, err := q.GetAll(context, projects)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for i, key := range keys {
        (*projects)[i].Id = key.Encode()
        (*projects)[i].CompanyId = (*projects)[i].Company.Encode()
    return nil

I want to have a more generic method that can be applied to any entity that implements a Queryable interface. The idea is to have a hook that allows me to perform some post processing after retrieving the results. I've looked into the ProperyLoadSaver interface however I have no access to the actual key that is associated to the entity. I would like to store the string representation of the datastore.Key in the entity.

This is the Queryable interface:

type Queryable interface {
    Map(*datastore.Key) error

Here's an example entity that I am persisting to the GAE store:

type Camera struct {
    Id        string `datastore:"-"`
    ProjectId string `datastore:"-"`
    Name      string
    Project   *datastore.Key `json:"-"`
    Active    bool
    Timestamp Timestamp

// Implement Queryable interface. Let me perform any additional mapping
func (c *Camera) Map(key *datastore.Key) error {
    c.Name = "Maybe do other things here"
    c.Id = key.Encode()
    return nil

The idea is to have something like the snippet below.

func (c Crud) RunQuery(context context.Context, q *datastore.Query, entities interface{}) error {
    keys, err := q.GetAll(context, entities)    
    v := reflect.ValueOf(entities)
    dv := v.Elem()

    for i, key := range keys {          
// I left this in to show that this worked however this won't let me enforce the interface contract

        entity := dv.Index(i).Interface().(Queryable)

    return err

However, when this executes, it panics with the following:

PANIC: interface conversion: entity.Camera is not entity.Queryable: missing method Map goroutine 9 [running]:

Just as a note, I realize the appropriate way to perform an assertion is to do if as, ok := elem.(Type); ok {} but I just wanted to see what the error was

I am guessing I am getting this error because I have defined my parameter with a pointer receiver func (c *Camera) Map(key *datastore.Key) error and not func (c Camera) Map(key *datastore.Key) error However, I want to modify the actual value.

Where am I going wrong with this? Is my Java-ness showing?

Being that I am very new to Go, I may be approaching this completely wrong.

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  • dongshi1215 2015-12-07 16:35

    Because the method is on a pointer receiver (as it should be), use the address of the slice element:

    entity := dv.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(Queryable)

    An alternative approach is to use a slice of pointers for the result:

    var result []*Camera
    err := c.RunQuery(ctx, q, &result)

    The code can be written to work with both []Camera or []*Camera as follows:

    var queryableType = reflect.TypeOf((*Queryable)(nil)).Elem()
    needAddr := !dv.Type().Implements(queryableType)
    var entity Queryable
    if needAddr {
        entity = dv.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(Queryable)
    } else {
        entity = dv.Index(i).Interface().(Queryable)
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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