I want to be able to shutdown a docker process gracefully. I derived the these files by following the idea in this blog post: https://husobee.github.io/golang/ecs/2016/05/19/ecs-graceful-go-shutdown.html
Here are my files
1) Dockerfile
FROM debian:jessie
ADD app /app
RUN apt-get update --fix-missing
RUN apt-get install -y golang
CMD ["go", "run", "/app/main.go"]
2) app/main.go
package main
import "os"
import "syscall"
import "fmt"
import "time"
import "os/signal"
func main() {
// create a "returnCode" channel which will be the return code of the application
var returnCode = make(chan int)
// finishUP channel signals the application to finish up
var finishUP = make(chan struct{})
// done channel signals the signal handler that the application has completed
var done = make(chan struct{})
// gracefulStop is a channel of os.Signals that we will watch for -SIGTERM
var gracefulStop = make(chan os.Signal)
// watch for SIGTERM and SIGINT from the operating system, and notify the app on
// the gracefulStop channel
signal.Notify(gracefulStop, syscall.SIGTERM)
signal.Notify(gracefulStop, syscall.SIGINT)
// launch a worker whose job it is to always watch for gracefulStop signals
go func() {
// wait for our os signal to stop the app
// on the graceful stop channel
// this goroutine will block until we get an OS signal
sig := <-gracefulStop
fmt.Printf("caught sig: %+v", sig)
// send message on "finish up" channel to tell the app to
// gracefully shutdown
// wait for word back if we finished or not
select {
case <-time.After(30*time.Second):
// timeout after 30 seconds waiting for app to finish,
// our application should Exit(1)
case <-done:
// if we got a message on done, we finished, so end app
// our application should Exit(0)
// ... Do business Logic in goroutines
fmt.Println("waiting for finish")
// wait for finishUP channel write to close the app down
fmt.Println("stopping things, might take 2 seconds")
// ... Do business Logic for shutdown simulated by Sleep 2 seconds
// write to the done channel to signal we are done.
done <-struct{}{}
I build the image by running
docker build -f Dockerfile -t docker-shutdown .
I start a container by
docker run docker-shutdown
Then I try to shut it down by
docker stop <container id>
In the console that runs 'docker run', I can see:
waiting for finish
and it just terminated with no further output.
I would expect to see at least some output like
caught sig <SIGNAL_VALUE>
So why my expected behavior did not happen? I am also new to go
so I am not sure if it may have something to do with the go
code or the CMD
definition in the Dockerfile
My question:
Why the go
process cannot catch the either TERM and KILL signals?